kanji for Cyclomagnon

Discussion in 'Japan Toys' started by pickleloaf, Jun 24, 2008.

  1. pickleloaf

    pickleloaf Super Deformed

    i started a generic ask for kanji thread, but thought afterwards that it wasn't a good idea, so i will stick to asking one at a time.

    anyway, anyone know the kanji for the cyclomagnon (or is it cyclomanion?)

    also, does Real Head have a janji name, or is it just referred to as the english Real Head in japan as well?
  2. Gizzy

    Gizzy Addicted

    I dunno about the cyclo (don't have one/never seen the header)

    but real head is 真頭玩具
    the first 2 letters are shin-tou(real-head), last 2 are gan-gu (which means toys)

    MANIMAL Line of Credit

    thanks Gizzy
  4. legoomba

    legoomba Toy Prince

    I'm pretty sure cyclo is just katakana. I think I remember seeing the header once.
  5. akum6n

    akum6n Vintage

    I thought that was just the name of the store...?
  6. Locomoco

    Locomoco Die-Cast

    You'll have the most luck with this: サイクロマニヨン
  7. pickleloaf

    pickleloaf Super Deformed

    here's the header:

    loco, it seems you are dead on with the cyclo kanji


  8. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    but the Cyclo isn't in Kanji....
  9. pickleloaf

    pickleloaf Super Deformed

    i dont know what that means, but loco's japanese text matches the header, so i am happy
  10. pickleloaf

    pickleloaf Super Deformed


    real head?

    looks like the back of the header to me!
  11. Joe

    Joe Die-Cast

  12. Locomoco

    Locomoco Die-Cast

    the text is spelled out in the phonetic Katakana character set that's usually used to indicate that the word is of foreign origin... so the text I showed isn't Kanji. Kanji is a non-phonetic, pictographic based character set.
  13. shhhi_da_yo!

    shhhi_da_yo! Toy Prince

    That IS correct.
    But I never was quite sure what the gangu kanji meant. Always read it as omuchaya which is the same thing.

    I've learned something today :mrgreen:
  14. pickleloaf

    pickleloaf Super Deformed

    whatever matches the header and will bring search results on yahoo japan and other websites is what i was looking for. i dont know the difference in any of it

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