Jet Turre?

Discussion in 'Japan Toys' started by plastichunter, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. spungee

    spungee Toy Prince

    Although I have both the GID and red versions, this here is my favorite color on this guy; I really need to track one down:
  2. ungawa222

    ungawa222 Mini Boss

    Yes... long-stander on my want list, too :twisted: ... it's sublime!
  3. spungee

    spungee Toy Prince

    Haha! Excellent taste you have there, sir. ;)
  4. Kerk1

    Kerk1 Addicted

    Are there many Hormone monsters released?
  5. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Funny, I just scored the BEAMS guy as well. And this guy who is my favorite colorway so far :

  6. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Really want to find this guy now :

  7. ungawa222

    ungawa222 Mini Boss

    Both of those 4-arms are KILLER... I really need to call in a pick-up favor for the next SuFes...

    I gotta say, I like this toy best when the eyes are one solid, dark color... ups the creep factor quite a bit.
  8. kopponigen

    kopponigen Post Pimp

    WOw! This is the one I've been waiting for!!
  9. Kerk1

    Kerk1 Addicted

    That 4 arm :shock:

    Are all the 4 armed versions one-offs or?
  10. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    No they are runs, not sure of the size though. I'm willing to bet its pretty low numbers.
  11. skeet

    skeet Addicted

    :shock: :shock: :shock:

    Love it !!
  12. BrickBat

    BrickBat Addicted

    Nailed it. I also think the little nubbin between it's legs that always gets a little spray of color is a pretty funny touch.
  13. Humanoid

    Humanoid Toy Prince

    Man o man that Beams Hormone looks sooooo nice. :D :D :D Hopefully at some point I will get a Jetturre figure.
  14. boon velvet

    boon velvet Post Pimp

    I can't say it's my favorite version, but Beams' Good Robot isn't so bad either.
  15. ungawa222

    ungawa222 Mini Boss

    This delightful weirdo's about to hit...

    Water Monster
  16. 666doll

    666doll Mini Boss


    Can definitely see that it's Jet Turre. However, I am not feeling this figure at all. The hands make me think of the Shikaruna Slit Mouth, the top of the head looks more like it's wearing a sheepskin shearling and overall, it just reminds me of Zazahn or even Gargamel's tree thing...
  17. ungawa222

    ungawa222 Mini Boss

    I hear you, John; apt comparisons for sure. I love Zazahn... that Gargamel tree thing is a big miss for me, though.

    There's actually another monster that this guy has reminded me of since this pics first hit, which I think is why I'm digging it: the Tarman from RoTLD! To me, it's like Zazahn and the Tarman had a kid... it's in the face and hands, some Tarman nightmarishness just under the seemingly goofy/innocuous surface...
  18. I Am The Fourth

    I Am The Fourth Post Pimp

    Would go great with a yokai collection. Fit right in. :shock:
    I need to find a way to score this green goblin...
  19. 666doll

    666doll Mini Boss


    Yeah, I can see your connection with Tarman for sure. Definitely in the hands/arms. It wouldn't surprise me if Tarman was a direct influence on their design. Overall, it feels like a mashup to me. There's a flow with the body design, but then the hands and arms get this different feel like they belong on another design. What gives it away as a JT design is the mouth. Not that this is a bad thing at all.
  20. amethystcape

    amethystcape Addicted

    Maybe I'm not interpreting it correctly, but is there only one point of articulation?
  21. coma21

    coma21 Mini Boss

    I can see the appeal but its definitely not for me. Which is disappointing as I have
    been falling head over heels for Jetturre. It's like they took me on this awesome date
    picked out the perfect movie and restaurant then instead of kissing me goodbye they
    gave me a side hug. I guess they are just not that in to me... :lol: :lol: :lol:
  22. 666doll

    666doll Mini Boss

    Good point (sorry for the pun). Looks to be in the waist is all. Maybe the legs move underneath. Hard to say/tell.
  23. ungawa222

    ungawa222 Mini Boss

    There also appears to be bupkis for articulation (I don't think that really is a cut joint at the waist), in the time-honored tradition of many a Zazahn toy. :lol:
  24. ungawa222

    ungawa222 Mini Boss

    Whoa... three posts whizzed by while I composed that... quick work, fellows... :D
  25. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    I really love this guy, my favourite from Jet Turre yet. He definitely has a classic 'monster' appeal to him, like something that stepped right out of the illustration from a Japanese horror story. I hope they aren't as hard to come by as some of the other figures.

    The lack of articulation doesn't bother me at all, but it does kind of look like it could be a mini or smaller figure to me - maybe this is why it just has the one 'joint.'

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