inventory software

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by pickleloaf, Nov 7, 2007.

  1. pickleloaf

    pickleloaf Super Deformed

    does anyone use any specific software to keep an inventory of your collection?

    i am looking for something where i could keep a couple images of each, what i spent, info about them, etc.
  2. tavaro

    tavaro S7 Royalty

    I guess you could use excel spreadsheet?
  3. missy

    missy Post Pimp

  4. MrStone

    MrStone Toy Prince

    I use Open 2.0
    Use the writer to create lists and pictures and keep a copy available for updating. I then export it as a pdf and thats what I use for referencing and printing.
  5. rhinomilk

    rhinomilk Vintage

    my collection is a fucking mess right now
  6. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    The only software I use for my collection is that smushy thing in my head. I've worked retail for 10+ years before and after a month, I knew what was in stock without having to look in the computer. Alas, old age is creeping up and I'll probably have to catalog what I have.
  7. MrStone

    MrStone Toy Prince

    My lists are not just about what I have but also what I don't have. I try and keep the want list as complete as possible with pictures. Then mark it after it's been bought. It's saved me quite a few times from buying doubles.
  8. missy

    missy Post Pimp

    MrStone, I know what you mean. More than once I've happily brought home a toy or cd that I've been "waiting forever to buy"...and when I go to place it on the shelf, realize that there has been one there all along.

    I'm losing it. For me it was a sign to step back and appreciate what I've got, but I really have done this more than once.
  9. plover

    plover S7 Royalty

  10. liquidsky

    liquidsky Vintage

    I used to use a copy of FileMaker that I had hanging around when I first started so that I could keep track of prices and figures.

    These days, I just keep everything in my head.

    I have made a few mistakes buying doubles but that's usually because I lose track of what is in holdboxes. A list could fix this I suppose.

    BTW, nice work Tim!
  11. rhinomilk

    rhinomilk Vintage

    that's the raddest thing ever!
  12. lgcolddrink

    lgcolddrink Addicted

    Wow that spinning wheel of brains is sweet. I usually just try to keep an updated list of what I want, but now that the collection is getting bigger, I often think I should start keeping track of what I already have.
  13. missy

    missy Post Pimp

    omg the spinning brain makes me dizzy. i can't control it! hahaha
  14. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    With the mook coming, would you guys buy 2 copies? 1 to mark up and 1 to keep fresh.
  15. liquidsky

    liquidsky Vintage

    Nah. While the Mook will look great, it's probably already out of date unfortunately.

    An online catalog/database, that S7 is supposedly working on, would be the way to go.

    If it became really ambitious, it could have targeted advertising that could support the cost to build it out to allow users to log in and have their own personalized checklists etc. But that's probably a pipe dream.
  16. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    I've got a "selective memory" I'm told. I can't remember real life importnat shit, but I'm amazing at remembering BS. That includes prices and headers for all my toys and, generally, when I bought them and SOMETIMES who from.

    Did I remember to stop at the store for milk? Fuck no.
    Do I remember most of the Cantina Aliens names from Star Wars? Fuck YES.
  17. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    But any kind of catalog periodical will be out of date as soon as it hits the printers, even before if you think about it. I was just wondering how hardcore people are about collecting. The mook could be treated like a comic book to a comic book collector. 1 gets read til the pages fall out and the other stays mint. I'm not one of those...but I do have a somewhat funny story about comic book collecting:
    I was at the comic book store where Art Adams was at (I haven't figured out if he was a part owner or not but his girlfriend at the time ran the store) and one day, Mike Mingola was there chatting with Art. My brother and I got to talking with them and agreed how crazy it was that there were foil covers, and how comic books were becoming more of a collector's item than something to be read. We were all on the same page as far as the topic goes and no one had anything to say against our thoughts. Maybe the other customers were too scared because at that time, Art Adams was a big name in the industry and Mike was on the rise. In the end, Mike goes "Whatever happend to the times when we could just pick up a comic book, pay for it, and fold it in half, and put it in our back pocket..." While doing this he reached for one of the comic books on the shelf...Image, Valiant...and proceeded to fold it in half and there it was. In the back pocket of his jeans. We all laughed while the kids in the store looked in horror. Yeah...I miss that comic book store and Art.

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