How to paint Eyezon fighting Samurai Captain Maxx.

Discussion in 'Custom Toys and Fan Art' started by idle., Apr 14, 2011.

  1. idle.

    idle. Toy Prince

    Now, since it's been released and officially shown in Tokyo I thought I'd post up some pictures of how I made the Eyezon Battle Painting.

    1. After working out the composition thumbnails I start with a 1/1 sketch of the painting. This one is actually drawn on very thin paper because I transferred it from previous sketches.

    2. Next, I take a charcoal or similar piece of drawing tool and rub the backside of the paper. Then place the paper over the desired surface and basically use this as a cheap method to transfer the sketch/drawing onto the canvas.

    3. After I transferred the basic line work I take a pencil of a similar color. In this case brown and tidy everything.

    4. I forgot to buy some masking film and so I have to use my regular painting tape. It's a bit more work but works just as well.

    5. My aim was to recreate the gradients that can be found in quite a few ukiyo-e prints and in this case the airbrush was a very helpful tool. The spray even added some wonderful texture making the gradient more lively.

    6. The last final step in this case was the inking and painting the details with a brush.

    Scanned painting

    The print

    Prints are available here. Yay.
  2. zapatoloco

    zapatoloco Comment King

    Beautiful and very well executed, mission accomplished sir !!
  3. dustin

    dustin Addicted

    Nice how-to, dude. Thanks for sharing. 8)
  4. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    Oh damn...that must have been a pain in the ass to mask. It's a great piece. I think the gradient could have been a different color because that gray feels too heavy for me...maybe a really deep blue. Aside from that, I really like it.
  5. nefasth

    nefasth Mini Boss

    Well - I like this doomy vibe :)
    I loved your drawing since I saw it on Mark's page.
  6. Joe

    Joe Die-Cast

    Truly amazing work.
    It was the first piece that caught my attention from the previews.
    Thanks for sharing the process.
  7. animator

    animator Mr. Freshly Smacked Ass Staff Member

    Great process pics. I really love your initial sketch/drawing. The limited color palette of the final piece really works for me.

    I checked them out big on your flickr and your linework is great.
  8. Shiverbones

    Shiverbones Addicted

    very beautiful well executed through out!
  9. Jtsui1105

    Jtsui1105 Line of Credit

    The print has a strong Japanese style ,love it !
  10. g_money

    g_money Addicted

    just ordered mine.. :D tried earlier this week but didnt have the funds..happy there was still one left for me. cant wait to get it. i love eyezons and this print looks awesome!!
  11. DrilOne

    DrilOne Comment King

    Thats how i feel too, has a vintage look too
  12. idle.

    idle. Toy Prince

    Thanks, everyone for kind words and orders. They keep me going. ^_^

    I happy with the grey. However, I have to admit that it feels a tad too heavy. A slightly lighter shade would have been better. Thanks for the input. Live and learn.

    Thanks. Mission accomplished. Hahaha!


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