
Discussion in 'Whatever' started by skylar, Feb 2, 2006.

  1. skylar

    skylar Post Pimp

    the descent is really excellent. I may have mentioned it earlier in this thread, but I dont' remember and I'm not going back to check, haha. I hear it's going to be released here with a different, "happier" ending. boo!

    I haven't seen lady vengeance yet.

    and I saw R-point at a film festival last year around this time and wasn't that impressed, that's just my opinion though.

    if any of you get a chance to see a movie called Survive Style 5+, DO IT! it's fantastic. not a horror movie, just a really weird, fast paced, awesome looking, stylish, japanese mish-mash of all different styles. probably one of the last movies I've seen that I really loved. there's a japanese disc , or bootlegs, unfortunately those are the only options at the moment.
  2. blashyrkh

    blashyrkh Addicted

    I can't believe they're changing the end of The Descent, that is ridiculous.

    I've heard other people say that about R-Point, I really dug it though and thought it was so much more original than 99% of the Asian horror I have to watch. I guess it's a renter.

    It's funny you bring up Survive Style 5+, last night we did a screening in the back of our store (it was this horrible Indian remake of Oldboy called Zinda - hilarious) and we showed the trailer for SS5 because we're screening it later. Everyone liked the trailer so much that we ended up almost watching the whole movie, but we had to close the store. That movie is so good, my #2 for 2005. It's a shame they can't get music clearance for everything, that's why it hasn't come out here yet.

    And get the official Japanese DVD. I've got a pet peeve for bootlegs. Real DVD Shit Only! :lol:
  3. skylar

    skylar Post Pimp

    yeah, I'm all for original dvds, but I know that not everyone on the board doesn't have all region players.

    if that was #2, what was your #1?

    I don't want to ruin R-point for anyone, but if they're comparing it to Dog Soliders, it's not even close. I just think too much actually happened in it.
  4. blashyrkh

    blashyrkh Addicted

    My favorite film last year was another Japanese movie called The Taste of Tea from the director who did Shark Skin Man Peach Hip Girl and Party 7. Totally different kind of film than anything previously mentioned, but just super good. It's a beautiful, quirky drama, I would compare to Yasujiro Ozu or for a more contemporary comparison, Wes Anderson.

    And I totally wasn't busting your chops on the bootleg thing at all. But if anyone here needs an all region player, I know someone who can hook you up. Especially if you have a certain Rumble Monster toy you want to sell. ;) :lol:
  5. skylar

    skylar Post Pimp

    it's so weird that that's your #1, because I almost said:

    "if that's your #2, what's your #1, Taste of Tea?" I'm not even kidding.

    I thought survive style and taste of tea were similar in a few ways.
  6. Count

    Count Post Pimp

    I've never heard of taste of tea, or Survive Style 5, this is great so many movies to look for, what a good thread!

    I must get an all region player at some point, especially now that I found out my insurance claim was approved and I'm going to get a giant fucking TV and a bunch of movies!! Maybe I can get an all region player with part of the insurance money, my DVD player sucks and won't even play burned DVD's or Mp3. I hate it.
  7. skylar

    skylar Post Pimp

    you can get decent ones for very affordable prices. my old one was like $300 and then I had a power surge and it blew out even with a surge protector. however, the one I replaced it with was only around $100 and works perfectly.
  8. greg

    greg Line of Credit

    The soundtrack for Cannibal holocaust is out on Red stream records(necrophagia's label). It's like $12 I think.
    Did anyone buy For Your Height Only with weng-weng. If not i'll wait here till you get it! Crazy ass stuff.
    Lemora is great also, very moody and thick with atmosphere.
    I know i'm rambling but the dvd set of the year(05) is the Pinky Violence box. Featuring the very sexy Reiko Ike :razz:
  9. skylar

    skylar Post Pimp

    it bothers me that that pinky violence set is all just random movies though, when most of the movies included belong to distinct series.
  10. greg

    greg Line of Credit

    I agree with you about the Pinky Violence box but since this is the only way your going to get them I applaud Panik house for the set. Have you read the book Japanese outlaws from Chris D?
  11. skylar

    skylar Post Pimp

    no, I haven't. I'm not knocking them for the release or wanting to put them out, I'm just really particular.

    I actually have sever toei girl gang films on vhs unsubbed (they're boots).

    I wish someone could/would put out a Female Convict Scorpion box set. that would be the best thing ever.
  12. Roger

    Roger Vintage

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