Discussion in 'Americans and Other Western Gaijin' started by kurumonz, Jul 18, 2010.

  1. lurker

    lurker S7 Royalty

    thanks everyone.

    if anyone had any issues with ordering let me know so I can get it resolved for future releases.
  2. Greasebat

    Greasebat Side Dealer

    thank you guys, appreciate the support. GLOW is going to RULE.
  3. Aaron

    Aaron Comment King

    First Greasebat and first toy purchase in almost a year. I'm super excited to get this guy in my hands.
  4. CopASquatToys

    CopASquatToys Comment King




    Got him today and he's AWESOME! Thanks fellas!
  5. babyvtec

    babyvtec Toy Prince

    You guys are hearing this first - - blank GID announcement will be posted on the GAS FB fanpage this Wednesday. Watch out for it.
  6. Greasebat

    Greasebat Side Dealer

    Thank you Aaron, that means a lot to me. I ain't exactly rich so I appreciate people spending their hard earned money for Greasebat. I got mine today, I love it. The best part for me, the face being the same color as the body. I think we'll ditch the face masking for the next few paint jobs. The glow vinyl is a really creamy green too, looks excellent.

    Oh yeah, I got one of the unpainted glow vinyls too, looks excellent, glows like a chemlight.
  7. cag1000

    cag1000 Toy Prince

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo. r u fuking kidding me. I get sick last week puking with a fuckin fever and then I peek in here and see that I missed a GID Greasebat!! Noooo shit....

    Well can't wait to see what the next colorway brings.
  8. moodydoom

    moodydoom Addicted

    do you know what the process will be?
  9. chimmychazz

    chimmychazz Comment King

    I know usually they release at 6pm EST...
  10. silent killer

    silent killer Line of Credit

    Just got him. So fucking awesome : )
    Definitly my favorite header card I own!
  11. moodydoom

    moodydoom Addicted

    news is up about the unpainted GID on facebook page. i'm not gonna post spoilers here : )
  12. animator

    animator Mr. Freshly Smacked Ass Staff Member

    I'm debating if I like this sale plan or not.
  13. Kevlo9

    Kevlo9 Super Deformed

    Not a fan :(
  14. Ghost&Flower

    Ghost&Flower Line of Credit

    I dont know. If I had the money, I'd do it. Sounds pretty cool.
    But I chose to sign up for the graveface records club this year instead of a toy one.
  15. The Blot

    The Blot Toy Prince

    Wow, was not expecting that one! I would really love to get my hands on an unpainted GID Greasebat, but that's too rich for my blood.

    Not sure I'm a fan of this one, but to each their own! I hope everyone going for it next week is successful at least!
  16. treblekicker

    treblekicker Beggars Can't Be Choosers

    this may be my last greasebat for a little while; my wallet can't handle the buy-in for the next 2 releases, so i'll have to keep my eye out for a good deal on the secondary market. in the meantime, the painted gid will be keeping me happy for quite awhile (sorry for the double post):


  17. Ultra999

    Ultra999 Post Pimp

    he looks like a completely different character without the horns. i actually like it a lot that way!
  18. moodydoom

    moodydoom Addicted

    I think the fact that this membership sale is so close to comic con makes it a tough one to get behind...

    $250 gets you two Greasebats and some extras... so then you're paying 100 for priority's a bit of a stretch. But then again, there's only 25 member slots so i feel like it pretty much has its place in the market. I'm sure folks that get a membership will not be disappointed.

    and kudos to MW for the flipper warning, I was really bummed to see a GID on fleecebay.
  19. animator

    animator Mr. Freshly Smacked Ass Staff Member

    It's a tough debate for me since I collect both unpainted toys and Greasebats. This looks like it might be the only way to get future unpainted versions. That said, there is not a set number of releases, and it is buying into a membership for 1 specific toy rather than a toy company. In the end I'll probably try for it because my GF is pushing me too and the Greasebats are 1 of the few toys(in my collection) that we both love.
  20. CopASquatToys

    CopASquatToys Comment King

    oooof bad timing I will be on vacation, good luck to everyone aiming for one. I'm sure they will be worth it Monster Worship and Jeff and the shiat!
  21. Greasebat

    Greasebat Side Dealer

    Let me talk to those guys, see if we can't straighten this out. I don't like to see people unhappy.
  22. T.J.

    T.J. Addicted

    I'm not sure there is anything wrong with this. $250 is tough to spend at once, especially before comic con. However I think that for this opportunity to secure GB without the stress of counting down minutes(espcially when I'm at work.) The total price pretty much covers all of the physical items toys, ect. The ordering perks are extra. You will never be able to make everyone happy all the time, and to slow down a few flippers would be huge. Jeff you are just too nice.
  23. Greasebat

    Greasebat Side Dealer

    I hear ya TJ, I always just try to put myself in other's shoes. What would I spend, be willing to do etc. I suppose the success of the toy warrants this sort of thing.

    Lately all my extra cash has been going towards Jeep parts...
  24. moodydoom

    moodydoom Addicted

    Yeah Jeff. i'd take my words with a pinch of salt man. If you can fill up the applications more power to you. I was just talking purely from a personal point of view.

    Really good point. If it was a 'Jeff Lamm toys' membership instead of just one production piece i'd sell my left wingnut to sign up and probably for a lot more cash! One day, one day... : )

    but like you said animator, the character is loveable enough to justify the dedication to collect multiples, if you can swing the cash
  25. lurker

    lurker S7 Royalty

    Jeff or myself do not run G.A.s., it's run by some dedicated fans.
    So I didn't set the price for this.
    It does include the price of 2 figures and the other stuff so I don't think it's unreasonable.

    Also it is the GReasebat appreciation society, of which there is currently only 1 figure style, but there will be a (cough cough)...



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