Got guts?

Discussion in 'Show Your Collection' started by atease, Aug 11, 2009.

  1. atease

    atease Super Deformed


    sorry for the bad iphone pic
  2. Strict Nine

    Strict Nine Fresh Meat

    ?Goga guts or some shit?
  3. plover

    plover S7 Royalty

    I think it's Kermit the Frog's skeleton.
  4. atease

    atease Super Deformed

    it might be. and then again it might be gid goga guts too...whichever you think works :D
  5. silver_lining_man

    silver_lining_man Mini Boss

    so it's not a butt plug?
  6. atease

    atease Super Deformed

    and here i thought people would want to see guts painted by anraku...apparently not.
  7. silver_lining_man

    silver_lining_man Mini Boss

    it was a joke man.
    any guts posted here, anraku or not, would probably give me the same first impression.
    these guts look great!
  8. onibaba5

    onibaba5 Post Pimp

    Well, It will be interesting to see the Goga these are meant to go in....foreshadowing perhaps?
    Or, were these extra guts painted up to place in existing clear Gogas folks might have?
  9. ElvisFromHell

    ElvisFromHell Comment King

    Since Anraku is selling off the "guts" - I wonder if that means no more "old school" Gogas :cry:
  10. ElvisFromHell

    ElvisFromHell Comment King

    Wow - Ralph - we must have posted at the same time. You're clearly the "glass is half full" guy and I'm the "glass is half empty" dude. You think this portends more Gogas and I'm thinking it means the opposite. Time will tell ;)
  11. kurumonz

    kurumonz Side Dealer

    Looks like the head and tail.

    If these are available then I could breathe new life into my clear orange Goga. Cool.
  12. Joe

    Joe Die-Cast

  13. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    goga guts, yeah I see that now. at first glance though the top head piece looked like a giant nose! :lol:
  14. leadster

    leadster Addicted

    atease, this is possibly going to sound stupid, but are there more guts for the Goga? I see the head and tail. What about internal Goga organs? I would love to see a shot of these inserted in da Goga.
  15. onibaba5

    onibaba5 Post Pimp

    I'm really hoping they come back. I'm so curious, after such a long sabbatical from Gogas, what he might do with them now paint-wise or "guts wise" not to mention the vinyl choices.
    Tick tick tick tick...
  16. atease

    atease Super Deformed

    these two are for the internal organs. when i'm back in the city this weekend i'll take pictures with my real camera because people aren't seeing how great these are.

    this set is the head and chest cavity though, not the tail.

    another picture taken this morning. my iphone camera isn't great this week...


    gives a bit more sense as to how it looks. goga is lurking behind the set.
  17. onibaba5

    onibaba5 Post Pimp

    Oh man...those guts are crazy just on there own!
    They look great Ed!
  18. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    I agree, so weird. The look cool next to a Goga too, like a weird science experiment.
  19. atease

    atease Super Deformed

    i charged them up under a light last night and they were still glowing this morning when i woke up :shock:
  20. Lalo

    Lalo Mini Boss

    you sure they gid or radioactive?
  21. phantomfauna

    phantomfauna Side Dealer

    Very Nice. I always wanted to see what the Goga guts looked like and the painted veins look better than thought. Thanks for the pics.
  22. logang1

    logang1 Mini Boss

    Is that unpainted Beast Chaos the yellow vinyl?
  23. atease

    atease Super Deformed

    yes it is.
  24. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    The guts are very cool. I put them in my clear orange Goga. I didn't realize it before, but the clear eyes act sort of like lenses and "magnify" the painted eye spot on the head guts insert. This makes what were previously clear orange eyes now look dark and sort of three dimensional... Nice effect!
  25. phantomfauna

    phantomfauna Side Dealer

    Any pictures?

    At this point I think I would be happy if I could score a Goga foot or tail thats broken off.

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