Discussion in 'Japan Toys' started by Humanoid, Oct 5, 2013.

  1. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Well congrats, Ryan (and Maddie too, now). These toys are incredible, but I can see how coming up with something like that is not for everyone - heck, I couldn't even do a tenth of that price. But boy, those are hefty fellas, seeing the scale of the False Saviour (who is also my favourite) is kind of blowing my mind. I love huge toys.
  2. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Usually I wouldn't spend this kind of money on toys (the most expensive toy I own was $115) but between the size, the axe omake, and the fact that it wowed me the moment I first saw it, I just had to enter that lotto. I've always loved hooved monsters, cow skulls, demons, and the like, so this is just a perfect toy for me.
    It's going to be a challenge trying to scrape up as much money as I can in a week, but hey... I like a challenge. :twisted:

    The False Idol/Savior is also amazing. I love the second colorway, very owly! I feel like the belt would be the first thing to scuff though. :(
  3. quentor

    quentor Addicted big is it? I didnt even check...Lol! I'm going to be having a little sale tonight I guess. The bigger issue is that Im moving and have no idea if ill be at my house when it comes. Yes im geekin out, and freaking out!! Probaby going to contact paypal to change my address to my dads house and hope it is verified by the time it comes. I need these.
  4. boon velvet

    boon velvet Post Pimp

    I kinda hate that the False Savior is so large. This sculpt would look just as good if full size, perhaps smaller.

    Though I'm willing to admit that my opinion may be slightly influenced from not being able to afford him right now.
  5. dannyvslc

    dannyvslc Addicted

    If you change the billing/shipping address in PayPal shouldn't that get you covered?

    Good luck with the sale. Depending on what's being offered I might be able to help 8):lol:
  6. dannyvslc

    dannyvslc Addicted

    I agree with the size. I do feel like some pieces are being obnoxiously large just because they can be. It's a fun sculpt, but way too large for my taste.
  7. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    The Minotaur is perfect cuddling size soooo... I foresee myself creeping out my boyfriend with it in the future. :twisted: I can see it now, I'll be napping soundly and he glances over and... "OH GAWD WHY IS SHE HOLDING THAT THING, AND IS IT WEARING A GODDAMN NIGHT CAP?!?"

    I live for these moments.
  8. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    ^ Love this! So is it like 20 inches? You guys make them sound enormous.
  9. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Pretty darn large!
    (I have no idea who this is btw.)
    Gojigirl likes this.
  10. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    Wowza. Yes!!!!!! Thanks!
  11. Fusta

    Fusta Toy Prince

    More GEEK! releases.

    Three new versions of the latest toys:

    False Messiah (Awakening Ver.) GEEK! x Gumtaro


    Human beast Minotauros (Golden Idol) GEEK! x Dream Rocket

    Cerberus Man (Emperor) GEEK! x Kenth Toy Works


    And two new sculpts:

    REV9 (Toketsu mode) GEEK! x Gumtaro


    50 cm. :o

    Hanuman (celebration) GEEK! x Picopico


    55 cm. This is getting out of hand... :razz:

    The first version appeared at recent MEDICOM TOY 20th ANNIVERSARY EXHIBITION:


    GEEK! and other Venue limited Sofubi items will be sold by
    lottery at MEDICOM TOY booth(2-20-01)
    in「WONDER FESTIVAL 2016(Summer)」on July 24th(Sun)!
  12. Odibex

    Odibex Comment King

    Oh, that False Messiah is glorious! I've not seen that sculpt before, but that version looks by far the best of the others I saw in a brief search.

    Oh, yeah, and that other stuff, too.
  13. boon velvet

    boon velvet Post Pimp

    I like this False Messiah too, though I'd be happy with about any of them so far.

    I wonder what the story is with REV9. Did anyone notice that it has the same belt / midsection as False Messiah? Not sure yet how I feel about the sculpt as a whole, but there are sections that I enjoy a lot - like the shoulders, arms, and hands.
  14. Odibex

    Odibex Comment King

    The hands are cool. The stovepipe arms are weird. I didn't notice it at first, but if any of you have played any Final Fantasy games you've probably come across Yoshitaka Amano's work. That REV9 is giving off strong Amano vibes. To me at least. Which means it's a bit too lavish for my tastes.
  15. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    New False Messiah is giving me Cosmic Owl vibes!

  16. Odibex

    Odibex Comment King

    He looks pretty shamanic to me. But, yeah, I guess that would incorporate cosmicness.

    I've only watched one ep of AT and I feel i really didn't give it a chance. But if there's owls involved, that would definitely up my chances to swing back around to it.
  17. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    Thank you for sharing, these are spectacular
  18. Ethan

    Ethan Formerly siphilon

    The False Messiah looks like a Tarsier......eyes especially, duh.It's lived on earth for over 45 million years, LOL @ trying to wrap my head around that.
  19. Odibex

    Odibex Comment King

    He's seen a lot of shit...
  20. D-.No

    D-.No Addicted

    Been loving the false messiah sculpt but not till this paint app has it been a must for me. my wallet is open, take my $$$ GEEK!
  21. Ethan

    Ethan Formerly siphilon

    Enter the lottery and you can maybe get one!
  22. D-.No

    D-.No Addicted

    Thought it was only a wonderfest lottery?
  23. Ethan

    Ethan Formerly siphilon

    For that version, yes. :)
  24. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    I stopped watching a few years ago and I'm not really sure why, I think I just got caught up with other things. I really need to watch it from the beginning again.
    The thing about Adventure Time is that there are three types of episodes...
    1. Episodes that are completely random and don't contribute much to the show's universe
    2. Episodes that you think are completely random and don't contribute much to the show's universe, but actually are introducing really important characters or world elements to set up the next part of the story
    3. Episodes that are full-on important plotline and/or character development, and can actually be really damn intense, deep, complex, and mind-blowing

    Anyway, back to GEEK... I have to say, I love the very unconventional color schemes of the Minotaurs so far. Pink/blackish and then blue/pink for the skull face, demon red and then yellow/purple for the bull face. Not your usual color combinations.

    And I wouldn't mind if these toys just kept getting bigger and bigger. I want a monster the size of a small toddler.
  25. Odibex

    Odibex Comment King

    That sounds like me with Archer. I stopped after a couple seasons and I'm still seeing stuff about how great it is and I'm like "why did I stop watching that exactly"?
    I think we all want that but, can we afford it?

    I won one of these, too! This was my first lottery! I've always liked the Jyujin (I was really hoping for the Requiemer, and that's what prompted me to enter), but I haven't really been that crazy about the colorways until this one. It should be coming soon, right? Right? (I keep checking my email)
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2016

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