Gargamel Lucky Bag 2016 Thread (Spoilers)

Discussion in 'Japan Toys' started by hellointerloper, Jan 2, 2016.

  1. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    . . . way to kill interest after 6 months.
  2. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    Yeah James I get that but there is definitely an element of "creating your own hype" through the way they release. Perhaps I am underestimating the process but to people outside of the hobby it seems comical, and I have to admit I feel like an ass clamoring over these toys sometimes as an adult. Been looking for a Boss Carrion for over 5 years. I'm patient but not insane....and this is crazy.

    At andy, at least I would be making toys, not ghosts.
  3. akum6n

    akum6n Vintage

    Manufacturing hype vs. angering fans is a difficult game...
  4. living dead

    living dead Prototype

    everyone wants something until everyone has it
  5. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    I guess I would like it if a company would just tell me truth like, "tonight there will be a "release" but it really just a run of 5, and if you don't have a sniping program you probably have no chance." instead of a Fancy assed Mock up Pic that makes you fall for the toy, calling it a "release" implying I actually have a chance, wasting my whole day/night waiting and then getting the SOLD OUT even though I was there on release day, ready, willing and able, and on time.

    Just be honest and tell me that I have no chance of ever getting your toy.
  6. BrainDeadBrum

    BrainDeadBrum Toy Prince

    Same reason why I buy the bag. You were lucky and got the mecha zag in your bag. I doubt anyone will let that one go.
  7. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Maybe not anytime soon, but if last year is any indication, once tax season rolls around a lot of the pieces that were once "total keepsies" end up for sale to make ends meet.
  8. animator

    animator Mr. Freshly Smacked Ass Staff Member

    Every year there is a favorite of the standard release toys, and every year they become available in time. Will a Cyborg Mibora ever go up for sale, probably not, but all the regular releases will. Actually, I am pretty certain the first bag we saw, and the first item sold, was a Cyborg Zag for $125. I would have bought it if I didn't have a bag on the way but thought I had a good chance at getting 1 in my bag.
  9. petitetoilonrouge

    petitetoilonrouge S7 Royalty


    That being said, the argument that these companies are small doesn't make a whole lot of sense. If you know you're going to be busy with packing and shipping... Hire someone to do it? We're not talking of extensive employee training programs here.
  10. 666doll

    666doll Mini Boss

    Can we get back to the spoilers now? Please
  11. brobles

    brobles S7 Royalty

    Entitlement can be just as annoying as flippers. At least with flippers you can exercises your ability to be patient and usually avoid them altogether.

    There's a delicate balance between a limited toy that takes time/effort to find and something that is widely available. Make too much and nobody wants it, not enough and people begin to take this hobby too seriously.

    Collecting toys is as much of a hobby as making them. Its more for the experience and fun of making something of your own than the money in most cases.

    I didn't manage to get a bag, or the last online drop by PK or MVH or (fill in the blank); it doesnt matter, there's always next year, there's always second changes, there's always next drop.

    Be glad you're not being bombarded with releases left and right. As a new collector I get that you want to amass a nice amount, but after a while you'll realize that 1. you can't collect it all and 2. fund are limited so focus becomes important.
  12. Brooklyn_Vinyl

    Brooklyn_Vinyl Line of Credit

    ^^^ Couldn't agree more with Brian. A significant part of the enjoyment for me collecting is the trying to obtain. If everything was easy to get I don't think I would appreciate it quite as much.
  13. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    Okay well, I might as well be trying to bang Jessica Alba Cuz it would be easier. Hey thank you to those of you who have helped me out, it's the only way I have ever acquired anything nice, a random pm from a great person.

    I study, I refresh, I show up on time, I'm on the newsletters, and it's a no EVERY time. You can either laugh or cry. I laugh cuz its so fucking stupid. I love these art objects and this hobby, but I still marvel all the time at the impossibility of it all.
  14. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    ...and this really doesn't fit the topic anymore if it ever did. I'm done sorry if I offended.
  15. Jayfunk3

    Jayfunk3 Toy Prince

    Any pictures of one offs pulled from this year's lucky bag?
  16. treblekicker

    treblekicker Beggars Can't Be Choosers

    I feel like it's been at least 3 years since we've even seen a limited run in the bags.
  17. analog101

    analog101 Addicted

    Wasn't there some kind of painted Garudan in 2014? I want to say Angel Abby posted it.
  18. Kevlo9

    Kevlo9 Super Deformed

    Yeah, they probably got the only one as they bought a bunch of bags only to open and flip.
  19. MonstaIslandCzar

    MonstaIslandCzar Comment King

    I don't think we've seen one-offs the past few years but there was a limited conifas and I believe mini last year, and the green hedo is limited this year. Some limited unpainteds too - doranekon last yr and guts doranekon this yr. But no numbered figs for a few years I believe.
  20. analog101

    analog101 Addicted

    I think you are confusing 2014 with 2015. 2014 had the limited painted Hedo #'d out of 30. There were no Doranekons in last years bags, that was 2014, too.
  21. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    Yeah there were 3 conifas last year, that multicolored, the Tokyo tribute, and the orange.
  22. 666doll

    666doll Mini Boss

    I think the one-offs now are things like the mecha Miborah and figures like that rather than paint apps. Could be wrong though...
  23. Headhunter

    Headhunter Line of Credit

    But its probably possible 1 or 2 more made it to ppl that don't post pics online. I mean there is the Coke Miborah to which seems to be rarer than the Zag version. Regular sized Miborah in general seems to be the rarer monster from the bags for this year.
  24. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    Not everyone love the mecha-zag. If I got one, I'd trade it right away for a mibora. I do kind of like the mecha-mibora but I'd be happy if I just had one of them. Saying that everyone wants the mecha-zag is like saying everyone wants fight figures in their bags (what's a fight figure? :lol: ).
  25. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    I think only one Mecha Miborah was pulled this year, at least to my knowledge... can anyone confirm if they've seen another?

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