First gargamel fig

Discussion in 'Japan Toys' started by Rich, Oct 21, 2006.

  1. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Just got my deathra tank and I'm amazed by it !!

    Definitly an instant favorite figure in my collection. This thing is huge also, I never expected it to be this size.

    Anyone who was even considering it BUT it !!

    I will post some pics of it in my collection tomorrow.

    I couldnt be happier and have found a new respect for gargamel.
  2. pigeonfarmboy

    pigeonfarmboy Toy Prince

    Yeah it's totally badass! I only wish they had made a hatch for the tank for the option of having the Deathra outside the tank because it comes with his legs.

  3. andy

    andy Mini Boss

    Mini Deathra rules. One of my favorite Gargamel figures.
  4. Nostromo

    Nostromo Toy Prince

    I have the first Godzilla tank release, and I can attest to its radical nature.

    This Deathla does appear to be of the rock. Especially since they included the legs... modular toys are most excellent!

    Have to add that to the ol' shopping list...

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