
Discussion in 'Whatever' started by Russblue11, Jun 26, 2016.

  1. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    I absolutely am on board with this boycott.
    I had no idea he has attacked so many board members in the same neurotically, almost stalkerish way he attacked Robert today.

    Scumbag indeed, Superstar... Not so much. Supertoddler throwing a massive tantrum, maybe.

    Also... No need to apologize, Robert. You defended yourself from an asshat, and we all got to see what an ugly person this guy is.
    Misogynist, homophobic, racist, drug-addled, sociopathic... Nice "shitty personality trait" roster this guy is piling up.
  2. Russblue11

    Russblue11 S7 Royalty

    That's actually my friend, didn't ask her to post or anything but I guess she did after seeing what he wrote.

    now he's going after everyone who responded to the screenshots It never ends...
  3. bbb

    bbb Side Dealer

    Yes! I was just threatened with violence!

    This guy is truly a gift. I am laughing so hard right now.
  4. Russblue11

    Russblue11 S7 Royalty

    He just wants someone - ANYONE - to come by his shop :lol:
    AgentRavage likes this.
  5. bbb

    bbb Side Dealer

    Lord knows he could use the business.

    Honestly, I don't understand why this hobby attracts such incredible lunatics sometimes. And this guy, whatever his name is, is OK with being this way. He genuinely seems at peace with the fact that he's a terrible human being. That's a scary thought.

    Also he keeps making these threats publicly. Dude, should you ever actually lay a hand on anyone, there is a MOUNTAIN of evidence against you.
  6. Russblue11

    Russblue11 S7 Royalty

    He never will though. I saw him at a MISHKA NNN release in 2012 and all he could do was look from across the room. Then he made some excuse about how he didn't want to mess up Greg's release/store or something like that. All talk and no action.
  7. ungawa222

    ungawa222 Mini Boss

    Endorsed. Heartily endorsed.
  8. BrainDeadBrum

    BrainDeadBrum Toy Prince

    I'm all for this boycott!
    My mother was a nurse for her whole carrier and it's not an easy profession. There was no reason for him to talk down anybody for choosing to be a nurse. He is grasping at anything he can to try and make somebody look bad.
  9. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    So this numbnut has just sent me an Instagram follow request.

  10. BlasphemousWords

    BlasphemousWords Toy Prince

    Andy. He probably has an anonymous account on here and is seeing this and wants to spew shit on your profile as well.

    It's kind of a shame that this dude is so insecure and and feels fine with spewing shit like *that prohibited F-word* and "I hope you get gang raped" I've never been a fan of his stuff myself but this is really ugly and enough to make me steer clear of this individual from now on.
  11. MonstaIslandCzar

    MonstaIslandCzar Comment King

    We can all report his posts and account/s for abuse/violation of IG terms blah blah blah. I'm sure he will continue to make new accounts but at least it will slow him down and annoy him with the hopeful end result of getting him to stfu. If enough people report he will get flagged an shut down...in theory at least. What a piece of shit. I will absolutely be sure to stop by his shop on my next visit to NYC, and will video the entire scene for all to enjoy! :dam:
    hellointerloper and IronPaw like this.
  12. bunnyboy

    bunnyboy Side Dealer

    Hey Gorge!

    hellointerloper likes this.
  13. BlasphemousWords

    BlasphemousWords Toy Prince

    This is all true but even more damaging to him is that his business is going to suffer from this. You can recreate social media accounts but the damage he's doing to his brand is permanent.
  14. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Or maybe this just reinforces his whole "Scumbags" label. :lol:
    Either way, I am very much looking forward to that video. I wonder if he will cover his face and run from the camera, or threaten to call the cops? Might as well wait until they arrive outside and tell them to try to find that bong that he was ripping into, there's obviously something other than weed in there because he is so not mellow, brahhhh.
    AgentRavage and BlasphemousWords like this.
  15. boon velvet

    boon velvet Post Pimp

    Georgy-porgy, pudding and pie,
    Kissed the girls and made them cry.
    When the boys came out to play,
    Georgy-porgy ran away.

    kichigai, AgentRavage, coma21 and 2 others like this.
  16. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Starred for excellent usage. Are those bags of pointy-ass rings?
  17. delviper

    delviper Toy Prince

    Wow, good to know. Not really a fan of their art or awful name but I've admittedly purchased a couple small things from them. Will not again!
  18. dannyvslc

    dannyvslc Addicted

    I think it depends on the comeback with this asshat. I gave in, admittedly when I shouldn't have, when he started attacking me. But my responses were monotone and referenced his tough guy attitude. He hasn't attacked me since. I think once he realizes he can't get you to attack back in anger he drops it. It's legit like feeding a troll.
  19. Russblue11

    Russblue11 S7 Royalty

  20. dannyvslc

    dannyvslc Addicted

    ^^ can't see the link, Kevin. Profile is private ;)
  21. bbb

    bbb Side Dealer

    I'll admit, I kept going a bit longer than I probably should have with him. But it was too entertaining, I just couldn't help myself.
  22. MoonspellxRites

    MoonspellxRites Addicted

    was watching all of that unfold on ig. at the end of the day his threats are empty so no worries there. but i know for damn sure myself and the people i know will not support his company
  23. gatiio

    gatiio Post Pimp

    It really bummed me out that sexual youkai was working with him eventhough the guy was being a total piece of garbage here on the forums to everyone. I really almost caved in to buy sexual youkai's stuff from them.
  24. topher

    topher Addicted

    @dirtbagsunited is the SXS "co-owner" Instagram account.

    I just left him a comment asking what's up with his boy? We'll see if he has anything to say about his awesome business partner...
  25. topher

    topher Addicted

    In recent developments George has posted that he's fallen off of a roof and "if anyone has some antibiotics to please DM him !? Lol

    Karma is real and strong !

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