Does anyone know the Tokyo Scum Brigade?

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by VELOCITRON, Oct 27, 2009.


    VELOCITRON Comment King

    I just found this blog today: and here are dudes all talking about the Mummies and vinyl toys and basically everything good and right in the world. I want to send them an e-mail and invite them to the Halloween Massacre! gallery on Friday, but there aren't any contact details on the blog.

    I figured since they have Blobpus linked and have stuff from Billiken and Yamomark up either they're on here themselves or someone on here knows them. Can anyone put me on the right track?

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest


    VELOCITRON Comment King

    Snap! Thanks Stu!!!
  4. Joe

    Joe Die-Cast

  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Mondo & I actually ran into these guys
    in a dimly lit bar somewhere in Nakano tonite!


    VELOCITRON Comment King

    Fabricated ghost stories are the second best kind of ghost stories, following only behind fancifully embellished ghost stories with a CORE OF TRUTH.

    I'm also glad people are writing blogs about stuff like this, because whenever I try to do anything of the sort it's like pulling teef. Hence there being no Velocitron website even though every single person on earth tells me I need one (and rightly so).
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Edited my post above as it was meant to goad these guys into posting instead of just lurking,
    but as they've tried to register unsucessfully THREE TIMES now, it seemed a little unfair.

    lol @:
    What's up with that?
    Did someone register with that name?
    Or is Skullbrain FULL?

    Anyway, they're OK guys, and it's an interesting blog.
    Go check it out.
    They're digging up stuff about the underbelly of Tokyo even I didn't know about,
    and I've been patrolling down in the sewers here for 12yrs now.
  8. organic_addict

    organic_addict Comment King

    Wasnt the dude in the middle in that movie Kids?

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