Ding! Dong! the witch is dead

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by Chad Hensley, May 15, 2007.

  1. jebcrow

    jebcrow Side Dealer

  2. jumpingoncars

    jumpingoncars Toy Prince

    rot in heaven, you're too bad for hell
    rot in heaven, cause you're forgiven in hell
  3. eldorado

    eldorado Addicted

    This guy sucked but there are a bunch of them still Alive that are obsessed with WAR, Christain-Zionism, Apocalapse,Rapture,WAR,Armageddon,Gays,Globalism/New World Order and Big $$$ and more WAR.

    Now they are "recruiting" for the Military at these Evangelical "concerts"/ Events.

    Pat Robertson has a "Christain" "University" Regent "Law" School and BU$H has like 150 + of these grads working in the Big House,,Alberto Gonzales WTF!!!

    Falwell is the past now,but this shit is the future ...

    I tried to link the 1st of the Google results but it wont work so here is the whole Enchilada.

    http://www.google.com/search?client=saf ... 8&oe=UTF-8

    ***Hitler was a bad MF but over-rated...Mao was even worse , Stalin was Thee Worst.
  4. khanate

    khanate Side Dealer

    Don't be baggin' on Stalin. He was just misunderstood.
  5. eldorado

    eldorado Addicted

    Gimme a break,none of the Leaders that kill Millions are "just misunderstood" no matter how "Lofty" their social/political ambitions.

    Fidel is misunderstood.

    Fuck Stalin, Mao and Hitler.... and the Bu$h Klan.
  6. greg

    greg Line of Credit

  7. khanate

    khanate Side Dealer

    You're on a forum for toys, lighten up dude. :roll:
  8. Pogue

    Pogue Die-Cast

    your hate and lack of compassion is a celebration of his death (and life).

    I choose not to act like this man.


    SHAPESHIFTA Comment King

    I'm sure there are other evil puppets just waiting to be propped up in the name of GOD ! Deliver us from our insane leaders !
  10. greg

    greg Line of Credit

    Ha,ha :twisted:
  11. peppsee

    peppsee Toy Prince

    I got no love for Falwell, Bush or the like but some perspective... I'm glad I'm living in Bush's America than Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Soviet Union, Mao's China, or even Fidel's Cuba for that matter...
  12. Parka

    Parka S7 Royalty

  13. jebcrow

    jebcrow Side Dealer

    praise the lord i am in del boy's peckham!!!!
  14. hillsy11

    hillsy11 Post Pimp

    Let us not forget about Pol Pot's Cambodia. The Khmer Rouge were quite efficient at killing people without heavy arms.
  15. Roger

    Roger Vintage

  16. Pepperidge Harm

    Pepperidge Harm Toy Prince

    I can't wait till a youtube vid pops up of someone pissing on his grave.
  17. bryanarchy

    bryanarchy Comment King

    People like Falwell don't deserve to be mentioned, even in death. He was a talking head; pushing the limit so people'd get all upset. He wasn't radical, he was just predictable.
  18. Pepperidge Harm

    Pepperidge Harm Toy Prince

    He still deserves PEEPEE.
  19. Autopsy

    Autopsy Line of Credit

    Was it Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell who was hating on Twinky Winky for holding a purse?

    DYBBUKIM Post Pimp

    Now why would anyone do that? What if you put out the fire???


    TV News reporter: "And, to repeat, the top story of the day again is: Jerry Falwell is STILL dead!"
    (With thanks to SNL)

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