Dark Souls

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by RudeBeast, Oct 4, 2011.

  1. RudeBeast

    RudeBeast Line of Credit

    Anyone picking this up (or already picked this up if you're in Japan)?
    I know for sure that a few board members have been waiting a long time for this to finally be released, I loved Demons Souls and will be there Thursday morning ready to grind!! :twisted:
  2. a.tom

    a.tom Addicted

    Started today . . . it is hell!!!
    You get no clues at all - humanity? hollow? kindle? why? what?
    Now my sword broke . . .
    I stand no chance against the minotaur . . .

    I love it!!!

    I do not like some of the changes to DS though . . . the ghosts of other players and the replays of the bloodstains looked so much more atmospheric in Demon's Souls. And the menues - they sucked, but they are even worse in Dark Souls. Logging mechanism is worse, too. The messaging system is annoying - why did they change this?!

    Anyway, I cannot stop . . .
  3. g_money

    g_money Addicted

    I've been trying to play, but between work and feeling sick I've only gotten an hour/hour and a half under my belt. I lost almost 4000 souls at one point as the game glitched on me. I rolled to evade an attack and landed on a pile of rubble (crates I smashed) and I couldn't get off. And nothing was around to kill me or anything so I had to turn it off. That sucked so hard.
  4. RudeBeast

    RudeBeast Line of Credit

    Ah damn, that sucks... I was wondering if there were any glitches, I remember something similar in Demon's Souls... Fortunately enough I haven't stumbled upon any yet, I must admit that I always managed to get out of the Demon's Souls ones but with a LOT of patience, trying over and over again.
  5. RudeBeast

    RudeBeast Line of Credit

    I need to play a little more, lvl 18 at the moment but still have to figure various things, first of all where I can find how many souls I need to lvl up. More than anything I've been grinding, bosses are too much of a challenge for the time being.
    Having said this I'm also loving every minute it, hard as hell but awesome. Enemies are way more intelligent that the Demon's Souls ones, these buggers can climb and don't easily give up when they decide to chase.
    Actually now that I think of it I saw another player climb up a wall last night, I wonder if there is some class with a climbing ability (theif perhaps?) or if it was just some sort of bug.

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