cask dinner, take 1

Discussion in 'Paradise Garage' started by sbbenhcs, Aug 29, 2012.

  1. sbbenhcs

    sbbenhcs Line of Credit

    hello peoples!

    at our last outing to sunshine cafe, minh got on this whole "we should whatchacallit do dinner more often" kick. so i'm taking a little
    initiative here and suggesting we give this a go... sort of "cask-elor" party to celebrate my oh-so-soon-upon-me wedding. i know we
    talked about going for vietnamese, but since i'm setting it up, i'm saying dim sum! late-night style, in chinatown. (thinking ming hin,
    if anyone's familiar with it.) and i saw we make it open to everyone, so spouses, etc should definitely come along. and since it's dim
    sum, there's plenty of options for vegetarians and carnivores alike.

    i'm tentatively thinking we should do this about 3 weeks from now... the weekend september 22-23, that should give everyone, even
    jeff, time to figure out if they can make it or not. (and i nominate bryan to keep minh in the loop. =p)

    so let's make this happen, folks!
  2. Ultra999

    Ultra999 Post Pimp

    i'm calling dibs on "cask-elor" as my next toy design.
  3. EtR_Wolf

    EtR_Wolf Comment King

    I believe I'll be able to go, not sure about Brian though. As long as we aren't leaving town that weekend, I should be able to go for sure. That is... As long as you are allowing females at this cask-elor party. ;) lol.

    I am guessing that you meant to write "should definitely not come alone."?? Otherwise, I have no idea what you have planned there mister. :razz: lol
  4. sbbenhcs

    sbbenhcs Line of Credit

    lol... "come along." i'm a fucking horrible typist... *shakes head in shame*

  5. EtR_Wolf

    EtR_Wolf Comment King

    Aha! That makes even more sense. :lol:
  6. Ultra999

    Ultra999 Post Pimp

    oh, pond.
  7. damaged Bryan

    damaged Bryan Comment King

    ha, me and minh (minh and I?) were actually just talking about this. Mary has the glutens, so Chris can you kind of nail down where we're going so we can call ahead and crap. Or if there is no preference except chinatown we can try and find somewhere gluten free. Sorry she just gets super sick.
  8. sbbenhcs

    sbbenhcs Line of Credit

    i'm sure there's something there that's gluten free... check the menu though, because i'm not really sure what constitutes gluten. =p
    there are also daily/weekly specials that seem moe "large plate" type things, including veggies, etc.
  9. magillagorilla

    magillagorilla Toy Prince

    I will have to sit this one out as I am moving to a new location on the 21st
  10. damaged Bryan

    damaged Bryan Comment King

    OK, I'll give them a call and see what's up.
  11. damaged Bryan

    damaged Bryan Comment King

    I lied, we are going to Milwaukee that weekend. So no can do.
  12. sbbenhcs

    sbbenhcs Line of Credit

    okay... shall we try a different weekend? we're open to suggestions, i just threw out that weekend to get the ball rolling.
    a week earlier? a week later?
  13. damaged Bryan

    damaged Bryan Comment King

    A week earlier would probably be better, but if I'm in the minority it'll be OK.
  14. EtR_Wolf

    EtR_Wolf Comment King

    I think I should be good either way, so you fellas decide and let know. ;)
  15. magillagorilla

    magillagorilla Toy Prince

    A week earlier is clear on my schedule... I think
  16. damaged Bryan

    damaged Bryan Comment King

    Alright so Minh is down for the 14th? That's next weekend and sounds good to me and JR. Who else is down?
  17. magillagorilla

    magillagorilla Toy Prince

    the 14th works for me.

    BTW Roscoe Village oyster fest is on the 15th
  18. sbbenhcs

    sbbenhcs Line of Credit

    next week it is! shall we do a list, and i'll set up a reso once we have the final count?
    1. chris (+1)
    2. bryan (+1)
    3. minh (+1?)
    4. jr (+1?)
    5. jim (+1?)
  19. Ultra999

    Ultra999 Post Pimp

    i believe the general consensus was that we'd try something new and different each time, right? and ming-hin's dim sum doesn't start back up until 9pm. way to throw a rock into the blender, me!

    also on the 15th:

    richard blais!
  20. EtR_Wolf

    EtR_Wolf Comment King

    Haha, you are such a trouble maker Bill! :razz:

    I should be able to go as well... Not sure about Brian. What time were you guys planning on going and where? Brian will most likely not want to go because out involves driving to the city, but I shall find out.
  21. damaged Bryan

    damaged Bryan Comment King

    minh said vietnamese ethiopean or meditarranean. There is a great ethiopean joint in my nech of the woods on lawrence and broadway and I know mary can eat there.
  22. damaged Bryan

    damaged Bryan Comment King

    OK, so who's down for ethiopean this friday so I can call and make reservations?

    I know Minh and JR, so who else?
  23. magillagorilla

    magillagorilla Toy Prince

    is it demera?

    What time is the reservation?
  24. sbbenhcs

    sbbenhcs Line of Credit

    well, if it's ethiopian, i think m and i will be sitting this one out.
    sorry, but it's just not my cup of, if you catch my meaning.
  25. Ultra999

    Ultra999 Post Pimp

    edit: ^ what?!

    i'm in. raw kitfo, here we come!

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