Bombastic Plastic's Cretaceous Gordon.

Discussion in 'Americans and Other Western Gaijin' started by Roger, Oct 24, 2022.

  1. Roger

    Roger Vintage

  2. Roger

    Roger Vintage

  3. 3wing

    3wing Addicted

    Thanks for posting this Roger! I appreciate it.

    I’ve wanted to make a butanohana inspired dinosaur for a long time. A minimal 2 part chunky boy. Long ago, Triceratops roamed the area live and I thought it would be a good homage to a favorite herbivore.

    I’ll be at Dcon with a couple different colorways.
    I have some bio glow and hat combos up on
    Fig Belly likes this.
  4. Roger

    Roger Vintage

  5. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    Neil is a sneaky deaky, I just figured this out:


  6. Horsefeathers

    Horsefeathers Toy Prince

    I can't see the bottom image, but my interest is peaked.
  7. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    Horsefeathers likes this.
  8. Horsefeathers

    Horsefeathers Toy Prince

    Ha, it's so obvious after the fact!
  9. 3wing

    3wing Addicted

    Haha! I’d say the yellow version of the Jurassic Park heel has very Tokyo colorway vibes. thanks for the supper y’all!
  10. Roger

    Roger Vintage

  11. LastResortToys

    LastResortToys Fresh Meat

    Three great purchases I snagged from Neil in the past couple months:
    3wing, Roger and Bob like this.
  12. 3wing

    3wing Addicted

    Thank you Brian! Means a ton to me!!
  13. LastResortToys

    LastResortToys Fresh Meat

    Of course, bud! I love your stuff!
  14. Bob

    Bob Toy Prince

    Got these chaps today!

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Urk, 3wing, sharkbait and 1 other person like this.
  15. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    Awesome! I have that last one coming to me soon.
    Bob likes this.
  16. 3wing

    3wing Addicted

    Bob! Thank you for the support and the post!
    I’m hoping to have some more little Dino friends by October!

    Appreciate y’all!

    sharkbait and Bob like this.
  17. Roger

    Roger Vintage

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