BLObPUS Diablo x Diabolo

Discussion in 'Japan Toys' started by bansheebot, Jun 5, 2008.

  1. bansheebot

    bansheebot Super Deformed


    Being released on Friday the 13th, apparently. Interesting. It's a collaboration with A.K.Production (who/whatever that is). From the cruddy Google translation, it appears that they are all handpainted with blood spray and are meant as a promotional piece for the movie The Monster Child. (Edit: Totally wrong, The Monster Child is a company that creates creepy resin dolls and such -- Thanks VELOCITRON!)

    Here is the Monster Child web site.

    I'm a big fan of the Diablo and this doesn't seem to disappoint. Another new head sculpt can't be bad, but I'm dying to see it in non-Photoshopped glory.
  2. FreeBase

    FreeBase Toy Prince

    Don't know, looks to me like a molded half mask laid over the existing sculpt rather than a new sculpt.

    Either way it's pretty cool looking.
  3. CannibalKaiju

    CannibalKaiju Comment King

    thats rad!

    VELOCITRON Comment King

    The Monster Child is a company (guy?) that makes weird little resin doo-dads (cell phone straps and key chains) featuring zombie babies. They sell stuff in a shop or two in Nakano and usually have a table at toy cons, like HobbyComplex. I'm guessing this isn't a new head sculpt instead it's a resin half-mask, like FreeBase said.
  5. bansheebot

    bansheebot Super Deformed

    A removable mask would be even more badass.

    Thanks a lot for the info. on The Monster Child. After checking out the site, that seems to make more sense.

    VELOCITRON Comment King

    Agreed. I'm not really into the Diablo sculpt so I won't pick this one up, but I think that mixing materials is a great idea and could make for some really cool figures. Getting molds made for vinyl is really expensive, so we get 100 versions of the same figure (not that I'm complaining, mind you) but making molds for resin is significantly cheaper and can be done at home so we could see a lot more variation not just in color, but also in sculpt.
  7. Autopsy

    Autopsy Line of Credit

    It looks like it is an add on to the original Diablo head by the string that looks to be looped around the horn and punched through the overlaid material (latex, rubber, pigskin (leatherfacesque) - nice add on but hope that it is at least in an interesting color
  8. sumatra71

    sumatra71 Super Deformed

    Hopefully they will replace his puny lame ass paw hand with a Bruce Campbell Evil Dead chainsaw attachment...
  9. Joe

    Joe Die-Cast

    This looks to be quite interesting.
  10. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    People should use that word more frequently. It evokes.
  11. melek_taus

    melek_taus Mini Boss

    Must have.
    ...but, can I afford it.
  12. playdohpunk

    playdohpunk Comment King

    covering up the best part, hopefully they'll put a cast on that arm
  13. endangered999

    endangered999 Toy Prince

    Love my Black/Red Diablo and love this. Texas F*cking Massacre baby!!!!

  14. sumatra71

    sumatra71 Super Deformed

    where in the hell can you order on of these crazy bastards anyway...? ? ?

    that website is written in some kind of turkish nordic korean slang...
  15. kaz

    kaz Toy Prince

    released now.
  16. bansheebot

    bansheebot Super Deformed

    Sold out and I can't even tell what the thing looks like. Argh.
  17. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    I know. I was searching for a full body shot but to no avail.
  18. bansheebot

    bansheebot Super Deformed

    It's on the BLObPUS blog but you still can't tell shit.

    <a class=\"postlink\" href=\"\" onclick=\";return false;\"> ... 0b0f72.jpg</a>
  19. Flankengott

    Flankengott Addicted

    what is/was retail-price for it ?
  20. kaz

    kaz Toy Prince

    Now become a lottery sale for it. I've ordered but I don't know whether I'll be able to buy until PM12:00. The price is/was 8,800-yen (+S/H?).
  21. Autopsy

    Autopsy Line of Credit

    Was anyone here able to score one? Not me
  22. kaz

    kaz Toy Prince

    Yes, I did.
  23. backtrack

    backtrack S7 Royalty

    I dunno if I like him.
    Seems a bit top heavy.
  24. Joe

    Joe Die-Cast

    Congrats kaz.
    That dude looks wicked.
    Can't wait to see better pics.
  25. Autopsy

    Autopsy Line of Credit

    Nice that they went with the green zombie look and not another reddish type figure - Nice Score - the mask made of latex or soft vinyl?

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