Blobpus Collections....

Discussion in 'Show Your Collection' started by playdohpunk, Jul 15, 2008.

  1. playdohpunk

    playdohpunk Comment King

    Come on, let's see them! especially you guys with the older stuff!

    Edit: Ok, is this better? {Click on image for the full picture}





    VELOCITRON Comment King

    HARSH. That's a very nice group of Blobs! I just wish I could see the Dokugans a little better. I've never even seen that clear pink Blobpus, but I'd certainly love to have one!
  3. selekta_nips

    selekta_nips Post Pimp

    very nice
    i need to get a dam camera
    never realized how big those sungut things are
    liking how you got your doks setups
    i need some to do something like that with my LKS
    get some close ups of the doks and blobs
  4. useless toys

    useless toys Post Pimp

    This is and old pic...


    I'm just a little too drunk to take new pics right now...
  5. Lalo

    Lalo Mini Boss

    same here. take more pics of those bad boys
    my brother just bought one and it looks nasty awesome
  6. silver_lining_man

    silver_lining_man Mini Boss

    i think i may need to get some blobpus. these pics all rule. nice collections!

    VELOCITRON Comment King

    PP you are KILLING me with those Dokus! There's a couple in there I have never even laid eyes on! Absolutely amazing!!!!!!
  8. akum6n

    akum6n Vintage

    A clear unpainted Dokugan??
  9. alifeintoys

    alifeintoys Side Dealer

  10. m3kcomp

    m3kcomp Side Dealer

    playdoh, no one can deny that you have a world-class Dokugan many are you missing now? it can't be too many...

    now, since you already have it - will someone trade or sell me a Blue Blood Dok.?
  11. playdohpunk

    playdohpunk Comment King

    alifeintoys.....i love the look of the three you show here,, they look so serene and fragile. the one on left, is that a soft mold or what? it don't look vinyl...nice!

    i am missing like 5 or 6........

    ...clear green unpainted
    ...yellow unpainted
    ...toxic yellow
    ...silver plated plated

    c'mon, i know there are members here who may have one of these, if it's just sitting in your closet and you don't even have it out, i will trade BIG for these guys or $$$. you dont really want that old dust gathering dokugan!
  12. Krudler

    Krudler Comment King

    Kaji san sold the SF 45 Dokugan for 6500 yen in Japan through his site although it was aparently a pre order. He was not packaging it as a set to force a purchase of the other SF 45 versions, although the set option was offered.

    Anyway there's a good chance those will pop up on YJA once they get sent out. Was going to PM you Playdough but as soon as invoice arrived they got pulled from the site.
  13. Zaaier

    Zaaier Line of Credit

    That's a hell of a Dokugan set-up. Help the man out getting the 'missing links'!
  14. playdohpunk

    playdohpunk Comment King

    yeah....what he said....;)

    thx for the info krudler! i'll keep my eye peeled!
  15. bansheebot

    bansheebot Super Deformed

    The only BLObPUS I collect anymore are Blobpus DX, Kaijins (Blobpus, Dokugan, Docross) and Diablo. Although, I must say, I have been tempted about a million times to start on the Mini Docross. Pure evil in a pint-size package.

    I always admire collections of their stuff. They have some of the best paint schemes and sculpts around, in my opinion.
  16. playdohpunk

    playdohpunk Comment King

    ok bansheebot, we've determined that you do indeed have a blobpus collection.....NOW PUT IT UP HERE!! :razz:
  17. alifeintoys

    alifeintoys Side Dealer

    thanxx playdoh ;) ...good lookout on the flesh one,
    it is very soft indeed, but still consider it vinyl!
  18. bansheebot

    bansheebot Super Deformed

    In time. I'm actually quite ashamed of how my collection contains no risers whatsoever, so I plan on getting those before ever posting any collection shots.
  19. miami

    miami Comment King

    What he said!

    I assume that Playdoh brutally eviscerated a Dokugan DX I, but if that's wrong and there was an all-clear release, it's news to me -- ??

    As we've now decided that the Pumpkin Guts Dokugan was never 'produced' as a release, I guess I'm only missing the two metallics and the SF45.

    (I'm not at all convinced that either the Gold or Chrome metallic was ever released as a production piece either - Don't think we've ever seen more than one of either of them.)

    (But they are so good looking that the hunt for them must continue! Copper would also look great - Hint, hint!)

    Blobpus should release a 3-set of all-metallic Dokugans, in Gold, Chrome and Copper.

    If any news comes out about the SF45 being released on its own, I'd much appreciate a heads-up.

    Now, how about some more Blobpus / Blobpi collections? I know there are some beauties out there.
  20. selekta_nips

    selekta_nips Post Pimp

    wheres your collection clay :D
    and before anyone ask im going to try to have my friend come over to get a pic of the couple blobpus i got :D

    VELOCITRON Comment King

    I also want to say that 100 Creepy Little Creature Stories is a sweet book. If a Docross was reading anything, it would be that (or the Encyclopedia of Heavy Metal...).
  22. playdohpunk

    playdohpunk Comment King

    c'mopn guys! i know there are more blobpus collectors out there than this thread would denote.....where are your collections?

    bansheebot: do you need a link to some risers? ;)

    miami: ok, it's time, put up or shut up! ;)

    selekta_nips: time to get a camera. i have one for sale. pm me ;)

    lessee, who else can i ride on here? :lol:

    here's an update to a collection i had not previously posted in here:

  23. maxaltoman

    maxaltoman Side Dealer

    i think there are more then one each of the gold and silver.
    if i remember correctly, they were both lottery prizes.
    i thought i have the gold dok but couldn't remember where i stash it.
  24. the_z

    the_z Side Dealer

    The silver was a sort of lottery prize. When you bought the red metallic LK/blobpi set, there was a postcard you sent in, then there was a drawing for the dokugan.
    I can't remember the deal with the gold...although it was not the shiny metallic gold like the blob or was more of a matte gold color.
  25. maxaltoman

    maxaltoman Side Dealer

    i believe you are correct. i think the silver is a lottery for the project 1/6 pachi summit some years back. the golds are prizes for a sofubi annivesary draw.

    actually, i believe that there must be several available from the respective lottery. will post some pics if i find anything.

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