BASK trade fest?

Discussion in 'BASK in the light of the Bay' started by straightoutta..LOKASH, Jan 16, 2015.

  1. straightoutta..LOKASH

    straightoutta..LOKASH Side Dealer

    Yo, fellow BASKterds! I know its been a very long time since we got together. With the 2015 Gargamel Lucky bags dropping from S7 next week I thought it might be a good time to get together and trade. I'm thinking it would be cool to hit up JP town Mall on Post street, just like the old days. If its nice we can do outdoors, if not we can commandeer the tables in front of the Anime store in the mall. Would Jan 25th be too soon? If any LASK are in town they are invited too since they're sort of the Hells Angels to our Mongols. JTO!
  2. dtoes

    dtoes Toy Prince

    I'd love to come hang and but my January weekends are all booked! Sounds like an awesome time though!
  3. Sokko

    Sokko Addicted

    It would be great to resurrect a little BASK blood! Seems that most of us have gone into hiding or something.... I'm in town at least through February, except for the weekend of Feb. 7/8. Let's do it!!
  4. rhinomilk

    rhinomilk Vintage

    been too long!
  5. il_muffino

    il_muffino Addicted

    Soooo... was there ever a tradefest? I haven't been on Skullbrain for a while, but I check in now and then. I hope I didn't miss this. If it's still in the works and we can get enough people interested, I'd be down for meeting up and trading toys.
  6. straightoutta..LOKASH

    straightoutta..LOKASH Side Dealer

    There was no tradefest. :(
  7. 666doll

    666doll Mini Boss

    I love this thread. It's about as pathetic as the Florida meet-ups. It makes me laugh :razz:
  8. Donkeykonk

    Donkeykonk Toy Prince

    I'm down if one ever occurs
  9. Sokko

    Sokko Addicted

    We have indeed turned into an uninspired bunch. But I'd still be up for getting together, pathos and all. Any weekend in February or March should work for me....
  10. straightoutta..LOKASH

    straightoutta..LOKASH Side Dealer

    I want to get together for a trade fest just to prove 777 doll wrong ! But, meh.....
  11. dtoes

    dtoes Toy Prince

    Worst comes to worst everyone just meet up at the SJsuperToyShow in March. You going to be there LOKASH?
  12. straightoutta..LOKASH

    straightoutta..LOKASH Side Dealer

    I don't know if I'll be selling but I will definitely be there one way or another.
  13. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    I'm out of state for awhile but might be able to visit if a 'fest comes together. Still rooting for y'all ... hanging on to my BASK t-shirts and hoping to move back in a couple of years or so.
  14. toybotstudios

    toybotstudios Die-Cast

    yes, long overdue BASK meeting is in order...! miss you guys.
  15. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    I heard a rumor of tradefest at S7 in April...
  16. 666doll

    666doll Mini Boss


    :lol: :lol:
  17. Sokko

    Sokko Addicted

    After all this time I hope that gets pushed a bit--I'll be away through April 20. :cry:

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