Bandai missile fire Mazinger Z

Discussion in 'Vintage Vinyl' started by Sanjeev, Aug 10, 2010.

  1. Sanjeev

    Sanjeev Post Pimp

    Jim, maybe you, Brian, or any of the other missile-fire vinyl collectors out there can help out with this mystery. I was talking to Warren a couple weeks ago about his Mazinger MFV pictured here (from the TBDX brog JoshF posted:


    I don't know if you have one of these, but if you look carefully, he's armed with *standard* Bandai missiles (just like in your Mach Baron mfv). We confirmed it: the three launchers are identical to the later standard-sized Bandai launchers.

    Now, *my* Mazinger has completely different launchers that take very different-looking missiles. I've seen this toy on Y!J before (remember the recent one that went for a grand in a shitty box that we were e-mailing about?)...and I've definitely only ever seen this toy with the launchers and missiles from *my* figure. Warren's a little worried that his toy might be a boot now.

    Do you or anyone else have any ideas about this one??
  2. kopponigen

    kopponigen Post Pimp

    Well, I'm sure the value of it if it were to be a bootleg would be very different against it being OG. But I just wanted to say that it is still very very nice! Sanjeev, can you share a photo of yours?
  3. Sanjeev

    Sanjeev Post Pimp

    Well, I don't have any pics of mine offhand, but here are pics of the one that recently sold on Y!J:
    So, notice that from the front, it basically looks identical to Warren's. Same metallic red disks on the head of each launcher. Now, the front of these old-style launchers protrude a tiny bit outta the front...while if you go back up to Warren's pic, it's tough to tell, but it almost seems like those disks are more flush with the front of the body.

    The back is the big deal. Again, the shot above is from the auction. This is identical to mine. The launchers are completely different from the later ST mfv launchers. I don't think I have (or can find online) any pics of the backs of the standard (later) launchers, but the mechanism in the back is totally different. It's like a solid vertical cylinder of white plastic. In this block, there's a vertical pin that trips the spring inside. Fantastic design, really...pretty much impossible to break (unlike most other MFV designs from Bullmark and Takatoku...where you find them with broken tabs and whatnot).

    Anyway, I honestly don't care about value...I'm just trying to figure out what the deal is. My *assumption* is that the Mazinger toy was originally released with what I'm calling the "old" launchers (like in the auction pics above), but at the tail end of the release, Bandai developed the "new" style launchers for the ST figs. The probably had some stock of the Mazinger vinyls left, so outfitted a few of 'em with the new launchers and shipped 'em...

    I could be wrong, though...
  4. vintagevinyl

    vintagevinyl Line of Credit

    my gut reaction says theres no way warren's mazinger is a boot. i think i have seen just about every pirate one there is and none of them even come close to the quality of that. makes me wonder if the tabs on the original broke, and someone changed them out. could also be bandai ran out of launchers and switched to different ones. is there a stamp on the back or foot ?
  5. Sanjeev

    Sanjeev Post Pimp

    I agree...I was thinking there's now way this could be a boot. As for your points...first off, the tabs on the original style launchers are damn near impossible to break. I actually took my figure apart and removed the launchers to clean 'em out...and the tabs are actually flexible metal strips. Also, the hole is sorta square-ish with a circular indentation around them, as you can see above. The newer-style launchers require a larger, rectangular hole. But, yeah, my guess is that they switched over to manufacturing the new launchers before running outta Mazingers.

    As for markings on the back or feet, I'll check mine tonight...and ask Warren if there's anything different on his...
  6. vintagevinyl

    vintagevinyl Line of Credit


    took shots front and back of my mazinger z to show the missles and launchers, and to see if they are like the ones on warrens great mazinga. the mazinga i have was in bag and header card, and it makes me wonder if there is any difference between it, and the boxed version.
  7. vintagevinyl

    vintagevinyl Line of Credit

  8. brianflynn

    brianflynn Post Pimp Staff Member

    I would agree here, it is very possible and plausible that they switched missile firing mechanisms during the production run.
    Most of the Bandai missile fires that I have use the white plug style mechanism, but many other figures use a variety of easily broken types, which the bandai cylinder version is hard to break.
  9. Sanjeev

    Sanjeev Post Pimp

    Haha...I think you've got the Great and Z mixed up, Jim! The figure you have pictured above is Great Mazinger and the one we're trying to ID is Mazinger Z. But anyway, I gotta say: that is absolutely the most gorgeous Great Maz I've ever seen. It's so damn clean! Very nice.

    But I'm with you: I've seen Great Mazinger bagged and boxed before. I tend to think there's no difference, but I can't be certain (I bought mine loose).

    Anyway, here's a shot of a Getter 1 MFV just to show the writing on his foot:

    Now here's my Mazinger Z's feet (there are no other markings on his back or wherever):

    I'll zap Warren a link to ^^this pic 'cause I'm pretty sure he doesn't know about this thread. If he can confirm that his figure is the same, then like Brian said, I think we'll just chock it up to launcher evolution midstream in Mazinger Z's production run...
  10. vintagevinyl

    vintagevinyl Line of Credit

    yep, your right sanjeev, i got them mixed up. i actually watched all the mazinger cartoons so i cant believe i screwed that up.
  11. Sanjeev

    Sanjeev Post Pimp's all good, Jim...remember: you're talking to a Masshole. We fuck everything up. Hell, we pronounce Mazinger "Tranzor" up here! ;)

    Anyway, I talked to Warren--he's gonna take some pics of his figure and box soon. I don't think there's a ton more to say on this subject, but it'll just be nice to post pics from his collection!
  12. Sanjeev

    Sanjeev Post Pimp

    And to bring things full circle, I just got these pics from UW:

    Identical. I'm calling it case closed...NOT a boot (just like we've been saying all along!).
  13. brianflynn

    brianflynn Post Pimp Staff Member

    I have the missile fire Mazinger in both bag and box, and they are indeed identical.
  14. Sanjeev

    Sanjeev Post Pimp

    Oh cool! Brian, do they have different launching mechanisms and missiles? Or are they the same on both your specimens?

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