Backing in a Detolf

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by TiredChildren, Feb 7, 2014.

  1. TiredChildren

    TiredChildren Administrator Staff Member

    Has anyone ever put anything in the back of a Detolf as a backdrop of sorts? The walls in my new office are a grayish taupe, and looking at my toys that are on the bottom shelf next to the tall white baseboards, they look the best because of the white behind them. That has me thinking it might be cool to get some nice white cardboard, and put that behind all of the shelves inside the Detolfs, giving them a nice white backdrop.

    What do you guys think?
  2. justin

    justin Addicted

    Sounds a little on the tacky side to me. Can't paint your office wall?
  3. animator

    animator Mr. Freshly Smacked Ass Staff Member

    You should get some crazy aquarium backgrounds :lol:

    In all seriousness though, they do have solid black aquarium backdrops that I think would work well. They act like window clings to the glass so it would look clean and be easily removed when you no longer wanted them.
  4. TiredChildren

    TiredChildren Administrator Staff Member

    Nope, can't paint the walls. :(
  5. T.J.

    T.J. Addicted

    I haven't done anything with mine, but thought about adding UV protectant film to them.
  6. Mr. Humphreys

    Mr. Humphreys Mini Boss

    If you have a graphics department, or if you are handy with graphics software, you can print/plot a very large continuous sheet, and custom design it how you will, and even swap out the "back ground" now and then :razz: . I'm very spoiled, we have two giant plotters (42 inches width, and endless paper roll, so you can create something as long as you like) here which I sometime run "test" plots ;) Back drop possibilities are endless! There were a few occasions at the office where I had to plot "wall paper" as a backdrop for an event. Or, you can go to a fabric store and pick out something to velcro to the back of your case (can be wild or neutral to fit your taste)?
  7. ungawa222

    ungawa222 Mini Boss

    Back when I had my packed, very custom-modded (shelving supports re-positioned by a welder friend; custom-painted; a weighted riser base that the entire case sat in that raised it about 15") Gara-detolf, I had found an amazing cloth tapestry/banner screenprint of Garamon (blue ink print of a still from Ultra Q on unbleached cotton) on YJA. It was exact inner Detolf width, and went just about the length from the top back edge to the top edge of the second shelf down. I hung it against the inside back with some poster tape on the back of the banner- it was the perfect background. Being a one-color print on a neutral background, it was very tasty and non-competetive, visually, with all the toys. I think it's a great thing to try, at least, James. Pics if you hit upon something you like, please! :D
  8. Mr. Humphreys

    Mr. Humphreys Mini Boss

    There are also some beautiful vintage kimono silks (damaged vintage kimonos in JP are re-purposed--fabric is cut into panels and sold on evil bay ... &_from=R40). Some are just stunning, some are wild, some are very subtle. If you see a fabric listed, check the seller's other items to see if there is a second listing of the same fabric--kimono left/right sleeve pairs are often listed separately. Should fit the entire length of a detolf if you have two panels. Those might also make nice back drops.

    "Real" shibori fabric is also stunning, and patterns can be intricate too--the process of producing shibori is mind boggling, sort of like very fine and intricate tie-dying (not the modern day fabric that is printed in that pattern) ... sacat=3913

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