Anraku Ansaku!

Discussion in 'Japan Toys' started by Fusta, Jun 19, 2015.

  1. Michael Beverage

    Michael Beverage Line of Credit

    Yup, I am sure they will be available through a variety of international and domestic channels like the previous ones.
  2. bunnyboy

    bunnyboy Side Dealer

    I've been wondering if that might be the case and I'm actually assuming the finished product will definitely look A LOT better than the preview, just wondering why this had to be used as a preview in the first place - not exactly enticing. Don't think I can swing more than the Mescalgon & Nue anyway, so it's still all fine by me...
  3. gatiio

    gatiio Post Pimp

    if he's painting the samples that's great. Doesnt he have some medical condition that keeps him from painting these? The paint apps work on all of them and the colors are very well combined.
  4. Michael Beverage

    Michael Beverage Line of Credit

    I agree, if these are painted samples by Anraku I think it makes the whole preorder process a lot cooler from the hardcore fan perspective. I like to see the master's ideas mocked up and then the finished product afterwards. It shows just how involved he still is in the process.

    Yes, I think the Parkinson's disease is keeping him from painting like he used to.

    So far even colorways I was initially lukewarm about have been great when I see them in person. The red Dako is great in the hand. I bet I will dig the Cambodia when I actually see it.
  5. AgentRavage

    AgentRavage Addicted

    The big Venus duo seems to complicated to me, but it might just be the dry brush mock ups vs the final product which I assume will have sprays. Still seems like to much of a gamble for me personally to invest in something I might end up less than thrilled with. Oddly enough though I can totally envision how that Cambodia will look when it's produced and I'm jumping aboard :D
  6. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    I'm glad he's still painting instead of calling it quits, though. I know a lot of people get severely depressed when they're diagnosed with something as life-altering as Parkinson's. It gets in the way of so many daily activities, let alone painting. I wouldn't be surprised if that's the main reason why the Medicom partnership has formed.

    ...A lot of people also forget that there's a pretty significant neurological effect that can come along with the motor issues, which can be similar to dementia. Parkinson's is one nasty disease. :( Hopefully that won't become a problem for him. My grandpop has predominantly this kind of Parkinson's, so he plays Words With Friends with my dad and other family members. Keeps him sharp.
  7. badteethcomics

    badteethcomics Post Pimp

    I hate to say it but these paint apps are putting me off dropping money on these.. Much cheaper than the previous releases but still a hefty price tag for these figures.

    I suspect that it's wishful thinking for the final products to be noticeably different/improved from the paint samples - even if it's a subtle improvement in our eyes, people who bought the figures expecting what the paint sample looks like will be pissed off if it's slightly different.
  8. phantomfauna

    phantomfauna Side Dealer

    I don't think it's wishful thinking.

  9. Michael Beverage

    Michael Beverage Line of Credit

    As far as pricing for these go, they are no more expensive than large scale figures from many other high quality preorders these days. A lot of Anraku figures are huge in the hand. The Venus is a big ol' shelf hog.
  10. badteethcomics

    badteethcomics Post Pimp

    Ok fair enough - but even if there are improvements, not much can be done about that flat white liquid paper belly! Guess we will find out in a few months how they look in different environments.
  11. bunnyboy

    bunnyboy Side Dealer

    Just to clarify: I was merely wondering about the Cambodia's preview paint job looking rather shoddy compared to all the OTHER preview pics, which have been flawless (subjective opinion on color choices/paint application notwithstanding).
  12. phantomfauna

    phantomfauna Side Dealer

    I gotcha. I don't care for that color choice either, but what bothers me more is the tight painting of the ears and mouth compared to the originals.


    The sprayed mouth and ears looks so much more organic then the masked. It was the same on the new Gogas and I thought it looked pretty maybe It'll grow on me.
  13. 666doll

    666doll Mini Boss

    Reading through this thread as of late makes me come to the conclusion that this Medicom x Anraku relationship may not have been the best arrangement through the eyes of the Anraku collector. I'm a firm believer in quality over quantity. That being said, even though this arrangement is going to vastly fill a void held by many collectors, the end result has me predicting a flood of figures hitting the secondary market. I see a ton of disappointment in the coming months. And I'm an eternal optimist :lol:
  14. Michael Beverage

    Michael Beverage Line of Credit

    Thank you Nostrajohnus! :lol:

    There will certainly be a flood of preorders hitting the secondary market, of that there can be no doubt. I have had no QC issues to date but it seems others have. The secondary market flood will mostly be from opportunists and less so from unhappy customers methinks, but that's just my opinion and opinions are like assholes. :lol:

    For older pieces, it will probably be about the same as it has been. Just a piece here and there becoming available for purchase.
  15. phantomfauna

    phantomfauna Side Dealer

    I don't think we'll be seeing any less demand for the originals. I think the new sculpts show the most promise. Any last minute changes can be done before the mold is even made. The haunted whale Tiamat should be great, but nowhere close to the milky white Drunk Boy that it resembles. It would have to be dyed and then painted.

  16. bbb

    bbb Side Dealer

    My amazement lies in the fact that you can still purchase the first medicom gogas from a number of american shops, which leads me to believe that they may have underestimated the demand for these figures. Perhaps the future runs will be harder to obtain on the secondary market if there are less orders and less opportunists. All speculation.
  17. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    I think you mean overestimated. ;)
    To be fair, I feel like the first two Medicom Gogas had a paint job that you either loved or hated. I personally didn't like them... Too many colors that (in my eyes) don't match at all.
    That being said, I -love- the pink GID Medicom Goga. I think there's going to be a lot more demand for that one. GID, and pink/green is a popular color scheme. It's much easier to match its color on a theme shelf, too.
  18. phantomfauna

    phantomfauna Side Dealer

    Ben, that might be more of the shops underestimated demand for something that is cheaper to just order from Medicom. I didn't buy direct on the first two and got screwed on the double shipping and added taxes. Didn't make that mistake again.
  19. EastEndFrontier

    EastEndFrontier Toy Prince

    Is that why you're so quick to sell them? Or didn't you like them that much once you saw them in person? Sorry for asking, just curious why some people are selling already.
  20. phantomfauna

    phantomfauna Side Dealer

    I sold because I like the two I have more. I picked them up because I was curious what the quality would be like now with the change.
  21. bbb

    bbb Side Dealer

    Yeah Maddie, that's what I meant ;)

    Fair point, Ben. I got mine after the pre-order had already closed so I paid a bit more as well.
  22. maxaltoman

    maxaltoman Side Dealer

    This speculation is becoming fact! Which i think is healthy as it is reflection of true demand.
    From the latest batch, i like the mini glutamine, nice to see it making a comeback
  23. EastEndFrontier

    EastEndFrontier Toy Prince

    Are you sure you don't want to sell another one? I'll take that nice Goga in your profile pic. ;)
  24. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    People can sell whatever they want no need to be obnoxious.
  25. GoldenArmKid

    GoldenArmKid Line of Credit

    The Rare/Sought after toy factor that some collectors buy into doesn't hold for these releases and once they realise that after getting them in hand they end up being resold for less than retail. Same thing happened with the Zollmen open orders.

    I'm looking at these releases as more of an entry point for fans that haven't been able to drop serious money on toys they have never been able to see in person (myself). If you are hooked from Anraku lite chances are you will be able to justify paying more for some early AA painted by the man.

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