Abraham Lincoln 1/6 figure question...

Discussion in 'Americans and Other Western Gaijin' started by abelincolnjr, Jul 2, 2008.

  1. abelincolnjr

    abelincolnjr S7 Royalty

    So my best friend got me this abe lincoln 1/6 figure for my bday last week. He's funny and all but I was wondering if you all think he can fit in some of them 1/6 Secret Base/Henshin Cyborg suits? If not any suggestions on a line where he could prolly fit?
  2. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    I think the body might be a bit big for them Sideshow bodies are a little thicker/chunkier than Medicom's bodies. You MIGHT be able to pop the head off and slap it onto another 12" figure body with a blow dryer though. That is if your goal is to have Lincolns head on a Henshin body, that's what I'd do at least. If the goal is just to re-use the body than I dunno.
  3. abelincolnjr

    abelincolnjr S7 Royalty

    Hmmmm gets me thinkin. Thanks for the suggestion :)
  4. poysntixels

    poysntixels Post Pimp

    Needs a total custom approach.

    1. The hat is cool. Last guys to wear one of those were Slash and Tom Petty. So it needs to be pimped.
    2. Speaking of Slash and Tom Petty, how about a tentacle mullet for Abe?
    3. Check the Japan Toys threads. Chop off the hands. Screw arms rule!
    4. After chopping all the limbs apart from the torso, substitute the henshin torso parts.
    5. Feet. People always ignore the feet. Bigger, flat as hell on the bottom for stability are a good start. Heat melting an obvious forged Bullmark brand into them would be extra credit.
    6. Overall colorway; lose the overall brownish black. Translucent blue black would be nice, with pinstriped orange, yellow and red GID flames would be a good touch.

    Just trying to keep it real within the bounds of good taste.
  5. Gizzy

    Gizzy Addicted

    LOL Lincoln action fig :mrgreen:
    I guess in some odd way thats kinda cool, would go well with the obama action fig coming out :lol:

    Oh Happy belated B-day abe :D
  6. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    Don't forget Marc Bolan, where do you think Slash ripped it off from?
  7. poysntixels

    poysntixels Post Pimp

    -Gawd, you're right. Haven't thought about old TRex for awhile...make that a *permed* tentacle mullet for Abe, then.
    Just want to do what's right here.
  8. pickleloaf

    pickleloaf Super Deformed

    paging GUYx1!

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