12 Midnight 12.31

Discussion in 'Super7 Showroom' started by joshuajh, Dec 30, 2013.

  1. TiredChildren

    TiredChildren Administrator Staff Member

    I'm really looking forward to seeing the Keep Watch Mummy Boy in a vibrant, neon colorway!
  2. phantomfauna

    phantomfauna Side Dealer

    That is correct.

    That is also correct.
  3. Purple Bat

    Purple Bat Addicted

    Sorry Sam, this is the best that I could find:

    Mishka's cool, but to me all of their 'Keep Watch' stuff is just an Oculus Orbus rip off...


    and as long as James Groman et al. are still going at it I can't really justify buying it.

    However, if someone makes an Oculus Orbison figure I'm all in! How would the shades fit on a giant eyeball?

  4. Collin Shots

    Collin Shots Side Dealer

    Talks shit on boards, than makes a figure with their mascot :roll:
  5. smurph

    smurph Comment King

    Nice one, that'll work for now ;)
    However, I'm thinkin this pic might be better suited in another thread tonight... yikes

    Happy new year people... lay down your weapons/pick up your toys!
  6. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    S7 has their own expensive toys made in Japan, Mishka has their own expensive toys made in Japan.

    S7 caters to "nerd" culture, Mishka caters to "nerd" culture.

    S7 founder has beard, Mishka founder has beard.

    S7 "rips off"* classic images for designs, Mishka "rips off"* classic images for designs.

    S7 makes $100+ shirts, Mishka makes $100+ shirts.

    Sooooooooo......seems like it's a pretty solid match here guys.

    *- rips off, pays homage, whatever, I'm not using it in a negative way, I'm all about that crap
  7. brianflynn

    brianflynn Post Pimp Staff Member

    Basically, Greg and I have been friends for years, and at last SDCC we were talking about toys and such, as well as the Baseball Boy t-shirt design. We joked about making a Mishka eyeball version, and then said "why not". We have always made toys with our friends, so this was no different. I don't really see a lot of streetwear kids knocking down the doors to get a Mishka Boy figure, it's just a fun spin for the new year. I think reading into it as a larger business strategy is putting the cart well before the horse. That said, I do think it has almost become a sport for some people to try and hate on Greg and his toy releases on this board, which is kind of said. I still don't like nags, but I like Greg, and making this with him was fun to do. Isn't that what toys are supposed to be?
  8. Sokko

    Sokko Addicted

    Amen brother!!
  9. Nikejerk

    Nikejerk Toy Prince

    Have these shipped yet?
  10. joshuajh

    joshuajh Administrator Staff Member

    The Keep Watch MBs are shipping this week!
  11. Nikejerk

    Nikejerk Toy Prince

    Thanks Josh.

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