'12 Gargamel Lucky Bags (SPOILERS!)

Discussion in 'Japan Toys' started by petitetoilonrouge, Jan 9, 2012.

  1. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    so far...nothing on YJA.
  2. meary

    meary Addicted

    It's pretty similar to this old GID Earth Restroyer prototype!

  3. fletchthis

    fletchthis Addicted

    Exactly Meary, that's the first thing I thought of when I saw it. It would seem strange if he did a release of Hedorans that were also released in the LB's too.
  4. JAY

    JAY Super Deformed

    When I saw the paint app of the GID Hedo, I first thought of this "confetti" gid Cronic Dorogami...

  5. slipstar01

    slipstar01 Post Pimp

    So is the trick to selling lucky bags for Gargamel, 1, Buy a bunch of LB's. 2, Open them, and Find the shit that you don't want. 3, Sell aforementioned shit on e-bay for more than the individual cost of each toy.

    Isn't that standard practice for blind box hustlers?

    Maybe next year I can become a distributor.
  6. mildew180

    mildew180 Side Dealer

    Yeah sign me up too. :( I am not sure what happened here. I am sure the right people will be notified and this won't happen again. Pretty crazy though. :?:
  7. silver_lining_man

    silver_lining_man Mini Boss

    oh shit, that hedo is awesome. i'll try, but i don't think i can stop myself from wanting it. seems like forever since i have seen a standard sized standing hedoran come out!
  8. fletchthis

    fletchthis Addicted

    I think the last one was the super 7 release about 2 years ago.
  9. angelabby

    angelabby Toy Prince

    Finally my wife also open her lucky bag.
    & She selling some her unlike pieces in ebay.
    Any Problem??
    If you really feel bad,Don't ask my wife again,She's Angry on this case.
    She says why distributor cannot be a collector.
    & I think most of member also will selling their unlike pieces.Isn;t it?

    angel abby-ANDY
  10. mildew180

    mildew180 Side Dealer

    Wow, :roll: ...
  11. angelabby

    angelabby Toy Prince

    We have sold mib bags to some members,
  12. mildew180

    mildew180 Side Dealer

    You should ask for a "rule book" before you jump into the game. This is rude,obnoxious,and uncalled for. Seriously.
  13. sancx33

    sancx33 Addicted

    Wondering who else have received/bought the lucky bag?
  14. slipstar01

    slipstar01 Post Pimp

    Funny that the Zag and Deathra minis you were selling for 50 dollars plus shipping got taken down 5 minutes after I posted that.

    I woudn't be worried about Kirby, or Brian making sure the top prizes don't slip through his grasp, You however...

    Also seriously guys, you couldn't wait for Super7 to get some bags in? They're support is why we have skullbrain.
  15. Joe

    Joe Die-Cast

    What's done is done so let's just drop it.
    Plenty of you guys have inquired about the Gargamel LBs from Super7 and they should land anytime.
    You know I'll be on top of informing everyone when and where to buy.
    Thanks for everyone's patience and I'm sure there's gonna be some crazy stuff in them we haven't seen yet.
    Can't wait to see what everyone gets in here.

    Super7 - Joe
  16. slipstar01

    slipstar01 Post Pimp

  17. angelabby

    angelabby Toy Prince

    May be we don't understand the rules before,
    This is good experience for our next time selling.
    We know the rules since now.


    angel abby-ANDY
  18. Ultra999

    Ultra999 Post Pimp

    ^ please just go away. :roll:
  19. toybotstudios

    toybotstudios Die-Cast

    let's put away the torches and pitchforks please.

    some are making it seem like it's the first time someone has sold a toy on eBay.

  20. animator

    animator Mr. Freshly Smacked Ass Staff Member

    I was going to post something kinda negative here, but then I thought about it...these are the BEST Lucky Bags Gargamel has done in years. People are drooling and raving over the Deathra with guts, and they are in these bag. Plus it's the 1st time we get 2 standard size toys in 1 bag. It's the reason most people buy the bag, and now we get 2. This, plus the variety of all the mini figures I think will be making everyone happy, or at least everyone that cares enough to look at this or other Gargamel threads. I can see some major trading of minis happening once everyone gets their bags. It should be a really fun and exciting time.

    I understand that there might not be enough bags to go around, and that we often get negative on this board because of the mistakes/misfortunes of other people. I am often caught up in this myself. We've only seen a handful of these bags so far and I can't wait to get my hands on 1 and all the surprises inside, and pictures from everyone else.
  21. maxaltoman

    maxaltoman Side Dealer

    although i also think it is odd for appointed distributor to go this route for regular product.

    anyway, the focus should be back on the bags. i think it is a truly great lb this year and bonus being not super tough to get this time for the japan release. as in every year, i hope to be able to finally get lucky this time with a winning piece.
  22. Ultra999

    Ultra999 Post Pimp

    you're missing the point.
  23. toybotstudios

    toybotstudios Die-Cast

    ah... ok i get it now. hmmmmmmm :?
  24. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    The point is, people can buy and sell what ever they want at what ever price they want. People make mistakes...and big people help those that stumble instead of bringing out pitchforks.

    As for the Bags, I think they are the best that Gargamel has put out. I'd love to get a regular sized Mibora...if there is one in the Bags, or the much unloved Bako in the big size as well. Alas, it is not in the cards...or in the credit cards for that matter.
  25. angelabby

    angelabby Toy Prince

    We are deeply apologize about it.
    Hope you guys can accept our apologize & forgive us.

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