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Discussion in 'Compliments & Comments' started by blakewest, Jan 24, 2011.

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  1. psilo110

    psilo110 Post Pimp

    all this negativity is making my head hurt & I am disabled to continue this discussion. off to my special snowflake safe space!
  2. TattooDougHardy

    TattooDougHardy Comment King

    FUCK YOU to Wacom again for saying that they would send me a new power supply for my 27QHD to see if that is the problem and then a week later the package shows up and all that is in it is the cable that plugs into the wall to the power converter. Yes you wasted a fucking week of my time to send me a power cord that I could have gotten at the hardware store 5 minutes from my place. Oh and it did nothing because THAT IS NOT THE PROBLEM WITH MY GODDAMNED CINTIQ YOU RAT BASTARDS. Now I insisted they just fucking take my Cintiq and fix it and that will be another ~3 weeks of time without it. Jesus christ.
    hellointerloper likes this.
  3. TattooDougHardy

    TattooDougHardy Comment King

    [QUOTE="psilo110, post: 924054, member: 47529"

    I am only an asshole in the mind of the mentally ill, can't say I am going to lose much sleep over that. Reasonable, rational people seem to have no issues with my opinions =)[/QUOTE]

    No, you just seem to be an asshole.
  4. psilo110

    psilo110 Post Pimp

    Are you are confusing reasonable, rational people with Californians? :mrgreen::thumbsup:
  5. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Dude, fuck off. Just because you don't know jack shit about migraines doesn't give you an excuse to fucking make fun of me. It's not a "headache." The kind of migraines I have been diagnosed with is fucking serious. If I didn't see a neurologist when I did, and didn't start taking preventative medication and triptans, I could develop permanent brain damage in 20 years that is similar to that seen in Alzheimer's and multiple sclerosis patients.
    You're really a fucking piece of work, aren't you? Making fun of people who are stuck living lives they can't control.

    I don't know why I get sucked into these kind of bullshit conversations. I guess it's because I can't fucking believe people like this exist. Does it make you feel like a big, strong man to put weaker people down? Miss the days of shoving kids into lockers and stealing their lunch money or something?
  6. TattooDougHardy

    TattooDougHardy Comment King

    Yeah. The state didn't vote for a puppet oligarch.
  7. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted

    A huge FUCK YOU goes out to my neighbor who starts up his loud as fuck diesel truck every morning for over an hour. He just let's it run in his fucking driveway every morning. Our bedroom is right next to their driveway and it's really fucking annoying. All I can say is that I sure do hope that our neighbors like bass music because they're going to get a fair dose of it today considering it's going to be almost 70 degrees here this weekend..

    I think I'll start with Photek's "Baltimore..."
  8. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    I'm pretty sure letting a diesel truck run in a driveway for an hour or more is illegal on the grounds of carbon emissions and pollutants. Especially in a residental area. I'd check your local laws and maybe contact someone in the municipality health department. They could site him for a code violation.

    EDIT: found this online for idle laws by state (2014):

    Colorado: A driver may idle, if the temperature is less than 10 degrees, for 20 minutes in any 60-minute period, when he or she is in need of a warm or cool sleeper during rest or sleep periods at a safety rest area as defined under 23 CFR 752.3, trucking terminal, truck stop, or state-designated rest area or when used to heat or cool a sleeper berth compartment during a rest or sleep period at a legal parking location that is at least 1,000 ft from residential housing, a school, a daycare facility, or a hospital.
  9. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    Expanding foam in the exhaust pipe . . . 'nuff said!
    coma21 and IronPaw like this.
  10. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Or just a good ol' banana. :lol:
    boon velvet likes this.
  11. MonstaIslandCzar

    MonstaIslandCzar Comment King

    Oh no, they've found you Psilo, and now they know what you look like :o
    You gotta find a more hidden jungle lair if you wanna stay off the grid :lol:
    hellointerloper and dannyvslc like this.
  12. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    The NSA is watching, better just not use the Internet at all.
  13. Purple Bat

    Purple Bat Addicted

    You know Psilo110, maybe you should just not come in to the thread where people are trying to express their random frustrations and derail it with political debate. If you want to make a thread dedicated to politics, you are free to make one yourself.
  14. psilo110

    psilo110 Post Pimp

    its funny, you have people posting about how the sky is falling & when I provide proof that it isn't, somehow I am the bad guy. I already said I was taking a break from this thread, & even after I did, you still have hateful, intolerant leftists trying to get their last licks in. Also worth pointing out: no one elected you hall monitor. We have plenty of mods & you are welcome to go cry to them if censorship is that important to you.
  15. TattooDougHardy

    TattooDougHardy Comment King

    Hahahah oh man you are rich. What's it like being in collusion with Russia? And do you own guns because brown people scare you?
  16. psilo110

    psilo110 Post Pimp

    well, that didn't take long. thanks for proving my point. where are the mods, your hatespeech rhetoric has no place on this forum!
  17. TattooDougHardy

    TattooDougHardy Comment King

  18. psilo110

    psilo110 Post Pimp

    come and take them, tough guy.
  19. TattooDougHardy

    TattooDougHardy Comment King

    Hahahahahhahahahhaha oh man woohoohoohoo
  20. TattooDougHardy

    TattooDougHardy Comment King

    Wait are you saying that you believe that trump was wiretapped? Because in order for a judge to sign off on a warrant for that, there has to be criminal activity beyond a reasonable doubt involved. Are you saying that trump and his ilk are criminals or something?
  21. TattooDougHardy

    TattooDougHardy Comment King

    Hey how do you say 'molon labe' in Russian, anyway?
  22. TattooDougHardy

    TattooDougHardy Comment King

    I'll occasionally come back to this thread to see if you replied since you have your privacy settings switched to where no one can see when you have activity in case the black helicopters are watching.
  23. psilo110

    psilo110 Post Pimp

    quite the attention whore... what are you looking for, responses to your personal attacks? wouldn't those be coming from the site admin, as opposed to me?
  24. TattooDougHardy

    TattooDougHardy Comment King

    No idea? Maybe the invisible hand of the market?
  25. TattooDougHardy

    TattooDougHardy Comment King

    Sorry I didn't realize you were a snowflake who shriveled when people called you out on your bullshit.
    lavavoom and hellointerloper like this.
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