“It Came From SkullBrain" Custom Show - CLOSED!

Discussion in 'Custom Toys and Fan Art' started by Leecifer, Jan 30, 2009.

  1. Leecifer

    Leecifer Side Dealer

    So folks have been pestering Glenn for this since the day he started (myself included) and we got our wish!!!!
    I've gotten a few emails asking if they could join as we have a pretty impressive roster of artists on board.
    On behalf of Super7 I'm very pleased to extend this opportunity to you all.

    This is Super7's throw down, “Thank you for being a Skullbrainer”, “bring the HEAT” custom show. We'd like to invite as many SB artists as possible to participate. However this is NOT an open call. A limited group of artists traditionally outside the SB community has been invited. If you don’t have an active SB board account or I don’t know who you are you will need to e-mail me some samples or a link to a Flickr account etc.

    What: A custom toy show. Each artist is guaranteed to be able to show at least one piece and may be able to supply up to 3 pieces. If sold this is a 50%/50% split. To make this a little easier on the pocketbook Super7 has agreed to extend a discount of 40% on existing stock (as of Jan 30th)! The restrictions are NO RxH, or platform toys. If it’s not made in Japan please ask first.

    If you have a question regarding a specific figure please contact Josh:
    Phone: (415) 409-4700
    Email: josh@super7store.com
    (please do not contact by pm on SB)

    Also, as I've been getting this question a lot, to clarify,
    if you need custom fodder and wish to take advantage of that 40% off dealio -
    You can just call the store and they can run an order through or send josh an email with the items you want,
    including items codes, and they can send a paypal money request to you.

    I can handle simple questions like “Can I bring my pony?” “Will there be beer?”, “Why are clouds in such a hurry?” – stuff like that.

    Basic show info:
    When: April 18th (Sat) 2009. Art needs to be at the shop April 13th.
    Where: Super7 retail outlet 1628 Post Street, San Francisco, CA 94115
    Contact: (415) 409-4700 email: glenn@super7store.com

    If you are interested please contact Leecifer ASAP to participate: lgajda@sbcglobal.net.
    Please include your name and board name.

    Oh and if you get the chance, be nice to the Super7 dudes as this is an increase on their work load to make this happen for us!
    To the part-timers (I don't think I know all of you - my apologies), and to Alex, Josh, Glenn, & Brian - thanks guys!!!!!
  2. Leecifer

    Leecifer Side Dealer

    Re: “It Came From SkullBrain" Custom Show - CLOSED

    Excited so many of you chose to participate! Thank you!!!
    In fact the response has been so great the artist call is now CLOSED.
    This should be great - get to painterin! people!!!

    BEYOND Comment King

    So I talked to Lee and he said I can show what I have done for this show. But I'll just post a teaser here and you guys can check it out on my Flick page. Hope to see what everyone else has done. Enjoy.


  4. Paulkaiju

    Paulkaiju Mini Boss

  5. Leecifer

    Leecifer Side Dealer

    You guys are killing it!!!!!!
    Can't wait to see these first hand.
    I'll be the dude drooling all over himself.
  6. scottygee

    scottygee Comment King

    I keep looking at all these PK teasers and other people's entries and find myself teetering back and forth with near-complete inspiration and the overwhelming desire to melt everything down and drink the juice. I keep telling myself to keep drinking beer and eating various pills I find throughout the house and keep painting and eventually something will come together...

    I forsee some overnight shipping in my not-to-distant future... :cry:
  7. motorbot

    motorbot Addicted

    a little peek at what i'm working on. he'll have a brother


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