Hi My Name is Arkiv, I'm a Half Animal and a Half Dream

Discussion in 'Custom Toys and Fan Art' started by arkiv, Feb 20, 2008.

  1. JAY

    JAY Super Deformed

    Jul 5, 2007
    Manila, Philippines
    Hi My Name is Arkiv, I'm a Half Animal and a Half Dream
    Tim Biskup vs Gargamel
    Pushead vs SBase
  2. sumatra71

    sumatra71 Super Deformed

    Oct 3, 2007
    Hi My Name is Arkiv, I'm a Half Animal and a Half Dream
    Thank you for the info... totally forgot about these guys...
  3. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    Aug 15, 2007
    San Jose
    Hi My Name is Arkiv, I'm a Half Animal and a Half Dream
    Man..I wish I could have seen it.
  4. BobDuher

    BobDuher Addicted

    Jun 7, 2006
    Hi My Name is Arkiv, I'm a Half Animal and a Half Dream
    I didn't see his stuff but I guess it sucked. What didn't suck is you guys. Bunch of fucking characters on this board.
  5. bannedindc

    bannedindc S7 Royalty

    Jul 31, 2006
    super 7 country
    Hi My Name is Arkiv, I'm a Half Animal and a Half Dream
    this thread has gone through a number of changes. sort of like the seasons..
    Id say its about fall..
  6. kichigai

    kichigai Removed by request

    Sep 22, 2007
    Hi My Name is Arkiv, I'm a Half Animal and a Half Dream
    its reviewed here along with the wonderful Super 7 Ava birth news/hedoran release & other news about folks that create stuff...


  7. PaulieVinyl

    PaulieVinyl Post Pimp

    Dec 18, 2007
    Somewhere, TX
    Hi My Name is Arkiv, I'm a Half Animal and a Half Dream
    Yes. It sucked. It sucked worse than a black hole on steroids. And it looked like this:

  8. uberboy

    uberboy Line of Credit

    Jun 14, 2007
    Hi My Name is Arkiv, I'm a Half Animal and a Half Dream
    besides the pics provided in the link, there was also a cartoony drawing of a zebra with "X"s for nostril holes. oh and a monkey who also had some sort of vaguely SamKieth's Maxx-like face with rounded teeth.
  9. ElvisFromHell

    ElvisFromHell Comment King

    Mar 29, 2006
    Hi My Name is Arkiv, I'm a Half Animal and a Half Dream
    Tim Biskup.
  10. il_muffino

    il_muffino Addicted

    Jun 6, 2007
    San Francisco
    Hi My Name is Arkiv, I'm a Half Animal and a Half Dream
    Hmm... I checked out the photos on that link and his toy isn't as bad as you guys made it out to be. I wouldn't buy it, but it certainly isn't the worst thing that I've seen posted on this board. And I'm not talking about the instances when someone posts pics of a KR toy, or some other "Western crap" as many here like to call it. I'm talking about toys made by companies that have dedicated forums on this board; toys that many here gush about. It's true, that it was an inappropriate first post by the guy, but the only useful responses I've seen in this whole thread were from Hiro and Josh. Hiro's first post in this thread is probably all that was needed to make him apologize for his faux pas or make him simply go away. But, I suppose if it had been left at that, there wouldn't have been all the 'fun' of bashing someone on the other side of the world and pariticipating in this pointless drama. I'm with Josh on this one. This bums me out.
  11. joshuajh

    joshuajh Administrator Staff Member

    Oct 24, 2005
    san francisco
    Hi My Name is Arkiv, I'm a Half Animal and a Half Dream
    i dont think this is the same place as it was when skullbrain was created. the scene has changed, the community has grown, so as one of the main places to discuss it all, skullbrain changes a bit too.

    as far as 'cutdowns', and what is and isnt discussed, i think the community should decide that for themselves. the things that nobody here is intersted in will fall by the wayside on their own whether or not somebody tells them they suck.

    my personal take on it is that i wouldnt type anything here that i wouldnt say to somebody in person. i think online communication doesnt lend itself very well to the kind of respect and courtesy we show people face to face, and it wouldnt hurt to keep that in mind.

    theres nothing wrong with saying 'that sucks and i hate it', but there is a lot wrong with saying 'that sucks and i hate you'. one is a bit harsh, but honest, and a fair opinion. the other is mean and disrespectful.

    these are just generalizations of course, but thats my take on it.

    thoughts? am i a big hippy?

  12. locomoto566

    locomoto566 Super Deformed

    Jan 1, 2006
    right behind you
    Hi My Name is Arkiv, I'm a Half Animal and a Half Dream
    Maybe because that's not the pic he posted, it was of his artwork.

    It was a just hype for product and I find it funny that the toy has the same name as this new member. Check out his myspace, Jouwe and Arkiv are the names of the toys they're pushing.

    Just sayin'.
  13. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    Feb 18, 2007
    Hi My Name is Arkiv, I'm a Half Animal and a Half Dream
    For saying what you said? No way. That was not a "kumbaya moment." You are a down to earth gentleman, and you're right. Being reasonably civil doesn't mean that you lack passion. It isn't a weakness.

    I was originally very intrigued by the idea of contemporary toy design coming out of Indonesia. That could be an incredible thing, given that region's remarkable aesthetic history including in modern times. (Anyone ever hear rock music from Java? Crazy stuff.) However, I also felt that this toy was too derivative of well established American and UK toy artists' work. If not, it would have been an interesting design, at least to those who appreciate that sort of thing. The figure looked like a cross between some of Jermaine Rogers' work and KAWS'. It wasn't "bad" per se, just too unoriginal. Ideally however, such criticism would be well-received in a "back to the drawing board" sort of way. I don't frequent the KR board much any more, but I suspect that the reception over there would have been similarly critical, design-wise.
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Hi My Name is Arkiv, I'm a Half Animal and a Half Dream
    josh.. you are a hippy. a dirty hippy. embrace it.

    i stick to the same "don't type what you wont say in person" philosophy and anyone that knows me, knows that that is true. though, in person i might be a bit more tactful.

    plus, i don't think i have ever come out and said i hated anyone here. even the half man half animal. but i do hate hippies. except josh and bwana.
  15. il_muffino

    il_muffino Addicted

    Jun 6, 2007
    San Francisco
    Hi My Name is Arkiv, I'm a Half Animal and a Half Dream
    Ok, this made me laugh.

    Show some respect, though, and get it right. It's 'half animal, half dream'. ;)
  16. Count

    Count Post Pimp

    Oct 21, 2005
    Hi My Name is Arkiv, I'm a Half Animal and a Half Dream
    Those are 2 different jerks.
  17. il_muffino

    il_muffino Addicted

    Jun 6, 2007
    San Francisco
    Hi My Name is Arkiv, I'm a Half Animal and a Half Dream
    Oops! Now I know what he meant. :oops:
  18. hillsy11

    hillsy11 Post Pimp

    Dec 14, 2005
    Hi My Name is Arkiv, I'm a Half Animal and a Half Dream
    Yeah....I stick by my useless post.
  19. hillsy11

    hillsy11 Post Pimp

    Dec 14, 2005
    Hi My Name is Arkiv, I'm a Half Animal and a Half Dream
    "theres nothing wrong with saying 'that sucks and i hate it', but there is a lot wrong with saying 'that sucks and i hate you'. one is a bit harsh, but honest, and a fair opinion. the other is mean and disrespectful. "

    Sorry, Josh...I REALLY think you're reading into the responses a little too much.
  20. mikeee

    mikeee Addicted

    Jan 28, 2007
    Ontario, Canada
    Hi My Name is Arkiv, I'm a Half Animal and a Half Dream
    Very true Josh. It's one thing to dislike but another to be offensive. Noobs are called noobs for a reason, I mean can't we just give'em a warning instead of jumping on them right off the bat? It sometimes feels more like bullying than policing.
  21. Locomoco

    Locomoco Die-Cast

    Mar 1, 2006
    San Mateo
    Hi My Name is Arkiv, I'm a Half Animal and a Half Dream
  22. BEYOND

    BEYOND Comment King

    Jan 2, 2007
    My Mind
    Hi My Name is Arkiv, I'm a Half Animal and a Half Dream
    So after all this and reading the 4 pages over, I was just thinking a couple things that needs to be realized.

    This guy did mess up and post his first post like a ad. Thats a big mistake here. But at the same time, he sees alot of vinyl being talked about here and maybe he took the shot.

    Yes- his style is not really right for this community, but at the same time he is a artist trying to show what he has done. But I don't think this is the issue. I feel like since this community has grown and everyone that has been here for a long time got more friendly with each other, we all know when a person is kidding and when they are not. But for the "noobs" they don't know.

    We just need to find out why the new guys really joined. To be involved or just promote and leave. If the new guy messes up the first time, tell him straight forward and give the guy a chance to be involved.

    There are alot of us here that does some sort of art. Music,drawing, sculpting and etc. Just try and think of how you will feel if you made the same mistake somewhere else and everybody there attacked you.

    Let's just be calm next time it happens and not let something like this happen.
  23. kichigai

    kichigai Removed by request

    Sep 22, 2007
    Hi My Name is Arkiv, I'm a Half Animal and a Half Dream
    Welcome to Fight Club.

    Aside from a reintroduction, take a step back and don't try to make something that you hope will be popular. instead, you should try to draw from your ethnic traditions. Making any form of art should reflect ones collective conciousness. Somehow I don't think you have reached deep enough yet for the "right" project. Your style however, is very fluid and reminds me of animation. Is that an influence? What types of films do you like, music, artists etc?

    Do not worry about being new here & do not let negative comments beat you down. Words are only useful if the person saying them offers retortion in the form of input- negative or positive concerning contextual significance. Some, of what you were offered is what we in America call "Bullshit" which has nothing to do with feces or balls for that matter. Those who do not make any form of craft have no room to talk or judge your art other than disliking your style and approach.

    Unless you prove them to be right.

    If that is not the case, I would suggest you dig in and find more influences to draw from besides KAWS even though he is very popular now believe it or not, when he 1st started lots of people thought he was a joke. He actually was a genius for spoofing so many established icons like Mickey Mouse etc. but there are so many other artists both living and dead to discover, please take your time & discover some more.

    Your character, Arkiv Instant is interesting but not a style most die hard Kaiju/Monster fans would go for.. because its too much like KAWS. Emulation takes skill but again people will think you are just trying to copy KAWS style and not take you serious as a result. If being the next KAWS is your sole intent you have just reached the end result you will find through this attempt. Do not pass go do not collect $200.

    A few newer things currently enjoyed are actually quite old concepts.. check out "Bemon" & "Galtan" which are both from very obscure 1970s concepts. Here is a pic of the original card art that inspired the current Galtan toy:


    Search in the search box you will find lots of info on Galtan vinyl toy & also check out Bemon. The guy who makes Bemon actually does very little to market them which keeps it really mysterious & interesting. Some folks hate Bemon & Galtan but people who like them find them amazing. Pollution & Envirionmental oriented monsters always seem to fascinate folks, me included. Not sure why exactlly but don't need to know either, follow me?

    I do enjoy the fact you are making human animal hybrids. Have you ever heard of H.G. Wells? He wrote a classic story about a 100 years ago (geez that went by quick!) called "The Island of Dr. Moroeu" which is about a mad scientist who creates human animals through hideous experiments. Here is a pic from a prop made for one of the film versions to give you the general idea..


    See how its ugly yet beautiful and scarey all at the same time? That is what will gather attention to any artform. It gets your attention and even if you look away it stays with you as a lasting impression. It seems like people everywhere on earth have always been fascinated by that which scares them.

    I would like to see you do something based on the rich folklore of your county like a Leyak for example.. you know about them right? The powers of the leyak include the ability to transform into other things -- people, animals, or even plants. They're also very tricky creatures, because they almost never appear in the same form more than once.

    Or how about a Jenglot? A mystical creature found in Indonesian culture and mythology, especially in Java. Jenglots are mostly found by native psychics after they have done a supernatural ceremony. Jenglot can be found everywhere, from under the ground, on a wrecked house's roof, and even in the trunk of a huge tree.

    Described as being small human-like creatures with long hair and while husk like they appear to be alive, usually found around 10-15cm with long nails as well. The hair on its head is said to be able to grow longer over time. The face of a jenglot is shaped like skeleton skull or zombie. This creature has been described with joined feet, which makes it looks like a decaying mermaid.

    If those are too creepy I understand, but if you made them as toys they would be very original and spark interest which as a result may lead to greater recognition and success for you as an artist. If that is what you are after, I hope you are inspired!

    "The struggle within our souls is never-ending; the life of man, short and brutal, torn between good and evil. Of the eternity around us, we know nothing. The stars look on: they had been here long before mankind appeared on our small planet, and will be here long after we are no more."
  24. devilboy

    devilboy Mini Boss

    Apr 4, 2006
    Hi My Name is Arkiv, I'm a Half Animal and a Half Dream
    i agree with josh for the most part but my take on it would be if you are going to say something sucks...say WHY you think so. just saying something sucks and that's it just makes you come off like a ego maniac asshole who has the only OPINION that matters. it's fine to have an opinion but expand upon it...don't be a tough guy bully.

    BOB CONGE Addicted

    Dec 21, 2005
    Upstate N Y
    Hi My Name is Arkiv, I'm a Half Animal and a Half Dream
    Very well put KICHIGAI.

    This is a pinnacle example of constructive criticism.

    Both the maligned creator and the members of our forum benefit from this well thought out and compassionate response.


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